Thursday, September 13, 2007

You Cannot Hide from the Law!

Just as I said, on the erev of Rosh Hashanah the guests came to the house for a happy dinner with witty chatter, gales of laughter, wine, gefilte fish, chopped liver and whatever else was necessary to make New Year happiness wishes a reality. The chief perpetrator of the laughter was Col. Pickering himself, Mike, "I'll have another portion, please" Herbstman. One of the chief beneficiaries of the gales of laughter was the chief perpetrator of the witty chatter, and the chief beneficiaries of the laughter and chatter were Lou Strumlauf and myself who sat amazed at the erudition of the one and the humor of the other. The chief perpetrators of the wine, gefilte fish, chopped liver, turkey, etc. were the amazing women, Bev Berger, Annette, Strumlauf, Helen Herbstman, and Rhoda,who cooked, boiled, broiled, baked, and sauteed. And the most amazing of all was my wife, RH+ who perpetrated the entire evening's festivities and gourmet dining. Her High Hostessness outdid herself.

I'm very late with this blog, and for that I am truly sorry, but it wasn't my fault.
I had two doctors' appointments at the VA this afternoon and on the way back I went through the SunPass gate and as I drove away, a trooper's car got on my tail with all the lights blazing to such an extent, for a moment there, I thought Las Vegas had built another hotel right behind me. But I put aside my doubts and pulled over to the side of the road. A rather attractive black lady cop sidled over to my car and asked for the usual; driver's license, insurance card, and registration. After fumbling around in my wallet and glove compartment I finally came up with the documents. I said, "M'aam, what's the problem? And she said, "You went through the SunPass gate without paying. Do you have a 'transponder'?" With that, I took it off my windshield and she took it from me to check it out. I was truly sorry that I burst her bubble of glee at the thought she had caught a cheater. I said, "I don't think I should be held responsible for the State's lousy equipment." Then she countered with "Your insurance doesn't kick in until September 23rd." She had me there. I said, "I just got the new card and dumped the old one." Then she took everything I gave her back to her police car and about 20 minutes later she returned and said she checked and found I had money in my SunPass account. I asked her why the SunPass didn't register, and she said she had no idea. Then she gave me a document that she said was a "warning"--not a ticket. She was very nice about it. I don't think, however, that I even deserved a warning!

How about my doctors' appointments? Well at 1pm I saw the Psychologist, Dr. Carracher; and at 2pm I saw the Psychiatrist, Dr. Zayas, a very nice lady. I won't even discuss what we discussed, or why I needed two shrinks, back to back. Let's just say not to be concerned. I'm only dangerous to myself.

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