Friday, September 14, 2007

It's All Mental.

I went back to the VA Hospital today to see a dentist. A couple of weeks ago I had root canal the chair for an hour. Today he had to remove the temporary filling and put in a permanent one. Didn't even have to numb the tooth because there was no nerve left. I don't know why I'm writing about this because you probably are not too interested. But because I can get dental treatment at the VA, I've been able to save thousands of dollars which I can then invest in the stock market, and then lose thousands of dollars. C'est la vie.

Last night RH+ made leftovers from RH-. Not too bad; starters were chopped liver and gefilte fish. And then turkey with gravy, cold slaw, sweet potato pie, sweet and sour meatballs, cranberry sauce, and potato latkes, all washed down with Dr. Brown's cream soda. The leftover leftovers will go into the freezer for the time being, because tonight we are going out for Chinese food in order to wash down all the Jewish food.

Now that I'm finished with my book of poetry and my memoirs, I've had quite a let down. I've run out of goals. In addition, I have not been able to play golf or do any kind of aerobic exercise. So, as usual, I sink into my PTSD depression. However, as hard as I try to get depressed, Rhoda refuses to allow it. She keeps smiling and talking and laughing and telling me all kinds of things relating to her organization, the City of Hope, and hugging and kissing me and stuff. You may not have noticed, but when Rhoda smiles, the whole room lights up, and it's very difficult to get depressed with this lady around. Consequently, I'm in sort of a limbo, and writing my blog keeps me on an even keel until Rhoda smiles again and suddenly my keel is sailing along at at least 65 knots.

(RH+ wanted to know what RH- meant. I guess she thought it had something to do with her. No. It is an abbreviation for "Rosh Hashanah Last Night". RH-. Get it?)


Anonymous said...

Yeah my mom has always had that "magic" power. You should look upon it as a blessing, and just keep smiling with her

Anonymous said...

You go girl RH+