Just what is the matter with you readers out there? Are you lazy, or what? For my last few blogs, I have dealt with some controversial issues for which I have made some outrageous and self-aggrandizing statements and, accordingly, Islam most likely will shortly visit a "fatwah" on me. Have I gotten even one comment about those vicious anti-Aristotelian disgracefully and grossly offensive atrocious, heinous, scandalous and shocking opinions?
No, not one! And this day marks the 1st Anniversary of my Blogmenting. Since August 8, 2007 Baron has written 243 blogs out of which two books have already been published. However, I believe I have lost my readership...or (and this would be terrible)...everyone agrees with me. Even my "bete noir" MH? Ah, he's probably too busy making money day trading on his computer to keep annoying me with his inane, asinine, fatuitous, jejune, puerile, shallow, vacuous comments.
No, not one! And this day marks the 1st Anniversary of my Blogmenting. Since August 8, 2007 Baron has written 243 blogs out of which two books have already been published. However, I believe I have lost my readership...or (and this would be terrible)...everyone agrees with me. Even my "bete noir" MH? Ah, he's probably too busy making money day trading on his computer to keep annoying me with his inane, asinine, fatuitous, jejune, puerile, shallow, vacuous comments.
I believe I mentioned that I received an invitation to the 50th Reunion of North Shore High School's first graduating class in 1958. Just think--I was 24. If only I knew something--anything-- back then. I am very disappointed that I will be unable to attend that function in the Swan Club at Glen Head, NY. However, I did write a letter which I hope will be read to the class members who will attend--most of them over 6o by now! I am pasting that letter right here so it will not be lost to posterity. It will be found in Vol.III of "Pater Noster in Condoland".
Dear North Shore HS Class of 1958:
I am so terribly sorry that I am unable to be with you to celebrate this beautiful event. Just think…50 years! That’s definitely an accomplishment, and I suspect that most of you are in your 6os and have worked hard at your chosen professions and have raised beautiful families. And do I ever remember you guys! After all, I spent four years with you, and you have definitely left an indelible mark on my psyche. Naturally, time has run its course on me as well, and though I cannot recall all your names, I do remember Betsy Krumrine, Allyson Rose, John Sege (those two and Mrs. Comfort combined to write the school’s alma mater). Then there was Carole Schutzman, Henry Goldman who was given a free train ride to Glen Head from Washington D.C. one year, Al Weyhretter, Peggy Gremelsbacker, shy Dennis Jamieson, Georgie Coyle, Peggy Roberts…red of hair, and Alex Terentiev, just to name a few…
I have led a good life since your graduation. I stayed at North Shore until 1982 when I retired and moved to Florida. Prior to that, I had taken a sabbatical leave, bought an Around-the-World airline ticket from SAS and traveled around the world for a year. When I returned, I married Rhoda after a divorce from my first wife. Rhoda and I just celebrated our 25th Anniversary. I raised four children who also graduated from North Shore. Robin, my eldest daughter retired from the US Marine Corps as a Lt. Colonel. Her husband, Richard Higgins, was a Marine Corps Colonel who was captured by the Hezbollah in Lebanon in 1988 and was murdered by them. There is now a guided missile destroyer with his name on it, the USS Higgins. We are proud of that. My other three children also are now leading distinguished careers and you can read all about them and my whole life in my book, “MEMOIRS of a TAIL GUNNER”. Just go to Google, type in “Norman Ross, ‘Memoirs.’”
I guess you never knew I flew 60 combat missions in WWII and was awarded 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses and 11 Air Medals. But I’m happy to apprise you of that right now that I am 84 years old. I can’t get around very well, anymore. Difficult walking, but I do have a scooter. If I could scoot to the Swan Club from Florida I would. I can think of no greater pleasure that I could have than to reacquaint myself with the wonderful class of 1958.
With fondest love,
Dr. Norman Ross
I am so terribly sorry that I am unable to be with you to celebrate this beautiful event. Just think…50 years! That’s definitely an accomplishment, and I suspect that most of you are in your 6os and have worked hard at your chosen professions and have raised beautiful families. And do I ever remember you guys! After all, I spent four years with you, and you have definitely left an indelible mark on my psyche. Naturally, time has run its course on me as well, and though I cannot recall all your names, I do remember Betsy Krumrine, Allyson Rose, John Sege (those two and Mrs. Comfort combined to write the school’s alma mater). Then there was Carole Schutzman, Henry Goldman who was given a free train ride to Glen Head from Washington D.C. one year, Al Weyhretter, Peggy Gremelsbacker, shy Dennis Jamieson, Georgie Coyle, Peggy Roberts…red of hair, and Alex Terentiev, just to name a few…
I have led a good life since your graduation. I stayed at North Shore until 1982 when I retired and moved to Florida. Prior to that, I had taken a sabbatical leave, bought an Around-the-World airline ticket from SAS and traveled around the world for a year. When I returned, I married Rhoda after a divorce from my first wife. Rhoda and I just celebrated our 25th Anniversary. I raised four children who also graduated from North Shore. Robin, my eldest daughter retired from the US Marine Corps as a Lt. Colonel. Her husband, Richard Higgins, was a Marine Corps Colonel who was captured by the Hezbollah in Lebanon in 1988 and was murdered by them. There is now a guided missile destroyer with his name on it, the USS Higgins. We are proud of that. My other three children also are now leading distinguished careers and you can read all about them and my whole life in my book, “MEMOIRS of a TAIL GUNNER”. Just go to Google, type in “Norman Ross, ‘Memoirs.’”
I guess you never knew I flew 60 combat missions in WWII and was awarded 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses and 11 Air Medals. But I’m happy to apprise you of that right now that I am 84 years old. I can’t get around very well, anymore. Difficult walking, but I do have a scooter. If I could scoot to the Swan Club from Florida I would. I can think of no greater pleasure that I could have than to reacquaint myself with the wonderful class of 1958.
With fondest love,
Dr. Norman Ross
Tonite we are going to a Temple in Palm Beach Gardens to hear my cousin, Michelle, sing. She is an operatic singer, and she is probably acting as Cantor for the Friday night services. Actually, Michelle is my second cousin, and she is extremely talented. A year ago she became a mother, and that takes talent.