Just to be fair and present another view of "God" than the one discussed yesterday...that is, the "Pantheistic view"-- God is one with nature, the laws of the cosmos, mind and matter, an impersonal God-- there is the Platonic view of God. According to Durant, Plato believes that a nation cannot be strong unless it believes in God; ergo "In God we Trust". A mere cosmic force or first cause that was not a person, could hardly inspire hope, or devotion, or sacrifice; it could not offer comfort to the hearts of the distressed, nor courage to those who are embattled. But a "living" God can do all this, according to Plato, and can stir or frighten the self-seeking individual...all the more so if to believe in God is added belief in personal immortality; the hope of another life gives us courage to meet our own death, and to bear with the death of our loved ones. Granted that none of the beliefs can be demonstrated; yet surely it will do us no harm to believe. Of course, Plato was not speaking of a Judao-Christian God, but rather of the Pagan gods; it matters little, however, as long as the god is personal.
The problem with a "personal" God, always is the questions of why "He" allows good people to die; why he allows wars and natural disasters. With an impersonal God, one doesn't have to worry about answers to these questions. Events in life are predetermined. So, take your pick--and then have faith in your faith.
Anyway, I pray to God (in whatever form) that he might allow me to hit a jackpot today at one of the slot machines at The Isle Casino. I doubt very much if I went to a synagogue and asked the rabbi to help me out with this, that I would get a positive response. So, I'll have to rely on my own devices; just in case, however, I'll wear a hat in the casino--it might be a Devil's venue. The other thing I'd like my God to help with is the Dow Jones problem. It went down 366 points yesterday on the anniversary of the big crash in the 20's. Not that I have a lot invested there, but what little I have, I would like to see flourish. Now that I think about it, however, I am not convinced that the aforementioned prayers are appropriate or acceptable to whatever God exists. Mea culpa.