Friday, September 12, 2008

A Democrat and a Republican?

I received another e-mail from a former student, Class of '68. Her name was Magda Machado...but she has another name now that she's married and living in Hallandale, I believe. Her husband's name is Knut and he's Norwegian. Actually, I don't know if he's Norwegian anymore...perhaps he's an American. Magda was in a number of my classes before she graduated. She came to North Shore H.S. as an exchange student from Brazil, and her English was somewhat fractured. Right now, her English is refined and she is having a fine career as a professional singer, having made several albums of song in Portuguese. She also teaches English as a second language. As I have said before, I want to share these communications I get from long ago students so that my children and grandchildren might have some information about their father and grandfather. Magda must be in her 50's by now because my daughter Robin was in the class of '68 and Magda spent some time living in my house. And so this is the e-mail I received from her:
It always happens: I "lose" you for a few months, and then find you again. And when I find you, I get to know, all over again, how essential you are to me. I have been reading your blog this morning and wishing that every person could have your clarity of mind and depth of feeling. There is always laughter where you are, the finest sense of humor - healing - its expurgation of self-pity. There is always meaningful and profound consideration of what it means to be human. Your vision of the world and of life is always fresh. In fact, you are a man of countless rich experiences of joy and sorrow, and yet, every time I find you, your heart is young and ready to go on loving all beautiful things, and your character always shows me the way to follow.
In the interest of being fair and balancing in this election year, I decided I'd better include a letter from a student who has a decidedly different vision of me. So here it is:
Dear “Doc”…I hope everything is not going too well with you. I know you are pretty old now and whatever ails you is OK with me. When I had you as a teacher, you were about the meanest 45 minutes I ever experienced. Not only were you mean and nasty and unforgiving and a hard marker, but you were the boringest English teacher I ever had in Junior or Senior high school. You must have taken a lot of classes in teachers’ college in how to be boring and I suspect you earned lots of A’s in those courses. I believe you graduated Magna Cum Laude in Meanness. I know that in your classes I learned nothing at all…less than nothing. Beowulf? Chaucer? Shakespeare? Who could understand them? It’s like the operator says, “Press 1 for English”. What the hell could we press for those guys? And, incidentally, I’m the guy who put that sign over your door saying, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” Much thanks to Dante. At least he’s Italian and I pressed 2 for that. Now go to your Germatologist and get those Squeamish cell Casanovas taken care of…or not. Please try not to take care of yourself.
Your worst nightmare, Tony Shmutzberger D'Angelo.
(See? I can write nasty letters to myself if I want to balance things out. Who ever heard of Tony Shmutzberger D'Angelo? As the Beatles would say, "He's a Nowhere Man.)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

"I do love my country's good with a respect, More holy and profound." (Coriolanus)

Since August '07 according to Google, I've published 266 blogs. That's a lot of blogs. You try it. I began writing these things when I finished my book, "Memoirs of a Tail Gunner" an "addenda" to it, since my life didn't end at the last line of the book. I didn't even know what a blog was and some people still don't know. So, I went to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia and this is what I found:
A blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal
online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.
So, now I know what I've been writing for the past year, and so do you. I'm almost at the point where I have enough material to put into another book. We'll call it "Pater Noster in Condoland Vol.III." If you've been reading these blogs, you needn't buy the book. Nobody probably will, but it will go into my record, and when I pass on, I'll be my own blog. Perhaps one of my children or grandchildren will write a sequel blog. Who knows? Now what about my content? I don't think I'll write any more "political" blogs. Readers of mine know where I stand on this year's election by this time. I would like to see one more great historical event before I'm gone--and that would be the election of Obama, an African American man. What an American miracle that would be! However, if the other side wins, it'll be more of the same same...but much more to the right...and their VP,s views are so far right, she is definitely fascistic OK. I'll stop. Man! I can't handle this! It's too much.
This morning I did not sleep until 11:30 as usual; in fact I was up at 8:06 and out of the house with Rhoda at 8:36a.m. to drive her to the airport. She had the urge to visit her family in Merrick, and especially Ilana and Allyson...two soccer player grandchildren. Her plane most likely left on time because she called my cell phone from her window seat on the plane at 10a.m. Now, it's 11:30 and the cleaning crew is supposed to be here at 12:30. But that's OK...I have a 2 o'clock appointment with my shrink at the V.A. Her name is Zayas and she's Cuban. She is very good at what she does; and that's the kind of doctor I need. Tomorrow is a banner day...I get to begin my aquatic therapy--provided the pool is fixed--and at 4pm Robin is coming in for a visit until Tuesday. Rhoda is supposed to come home on Monday, but who knows? My last wife, after 25 years, went to California to visit her children and she never came back. Rhoda and I have been married now for 25 years, and perhaps that's about the limit any woman can take living with me. I never thought I was that least try to make it 50 so we can stand up on a cruise and get some applause at least. We would deserve it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"To whom God will; there be the victory." (Henry II)

Now, I'm really getting scared. The more I read, listen, and learn about the views of Sarah Palin, the more nervous I am getting about the direction this country might take if she were to become V.P.: and since she may be a heartbeat away from the presidency because Mr. McCain is an old man, cancer prone, and no doubt suffering from PTSD...I have my reasons for being scared. Not only is Palin pro-life, but remains that way even in the case of rape or incest. That's way off to the right. She also believes that Creationism ought to be taught in the public schools--that Adam and Eve should be taught as science. (All this from her own lips--not pundit guesses. Certainly, a Lipstick Fascist...this is just not simply right wing stuff). Palin, in addition, has inquired of a librarian as to how to go about banning books. She says that some books children ought not to read either because of sexual content or other reasons that might be harmful to children by giving them the wrong idea of how the universe was created. Palin was also present in the Wasilla Bible Church on Aug. 17 when David Brickner, the CEO of "Jews for Jesus" gave a speech in which he implied that Israel was being punished for not believing or become Christians. Brickner denies that was his intention, but that's a lie. And Palin also has lied about her own views on global warming and on her support for the "bridge to nowhere." She has in addition gone after the job of Mike Wooten, a State Trooper in the midst of a bitter divorce with her sister, Molly. As Shakespeare has said, "One may smile and smile and be a villain." Now, I have no doubt that Sarah Palin is a very fine wife and mother, and so she is more fit for that employment than she would be as a fascist president. I'm sure I must be offending some Republicans; that's not my intention. My intention is to write about Sarah Palin as I understand her, and so get it off my chest. Sarah said that Obama is afraid that no one will "read terrorists their rights." This, to me, sounds like another Republican who is whittling away at the United States' Constitution. Vote for McCain at your own ... and the country's peril.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"Crabbed age and youth cannot live together: Youth is full of pleasance, age is full of care." (A Passionate Pilgrim...)

It's very windy out today, but so far there has been no rain. It's expected though. I hope it doesn't last until Thursday when Rho has her flight to New York--or Friday when Robin is flying here from Montana. Ike's passed us by, thanks be to whomever, but some wind and rain is expected. I took advantage of the current sunshine to go to IHOP for breakfast at 1:30pm again. I don't mind...slept until 11am. Before breakfast, however, I went to my bank to deposit a check for a CD I had redeemed and they told me that I could not draw fully on that check until Sept. 23! This check even came from another bank and I still have to wait two weeks for it to be available. Perhaps someone can explain this to me. I'm just now realizing that there are so many things that have to be explained to me before I have any understanding. For example, why are gas prices flirting with $4 a gallon? Why is the world pussyfooting with Iran? Maybe because only Israel is being who cares? Why are so many people in this rich country without adequate health care? Why are food prices going sky high? Why are Annette and I consistently losing to Lou and Rho at Canasta? Why is Robin coming here at the same time Rho is leaving here? That's a curious and suspicious coincidence. Is it possible that Rho invited her here so there would be someone to put on my socks while she is gone? I purposely bought a pair of sandals so that I could go sockless. I questioned Rhoda about this and she vehemently denies having anything to do with Robin's suspicious visit. However, I don't want to leave anyone at all with the impression that I am not delighted that my daughter is coming. It's too rare that I get to see her, and just because I question the timing doesn't mean a thing. I'm allowed to question anything according to the Constitution and Jewish law.
Speaking of the law, one of the towns in Palm Beach County has passed an ordinance banning the display of one's boxer shorts or skin by lowering one's pants. This questionable fashion is really ugly. I, for one, do not care to see some guy's underwear...but I suppose it's a "cultural" practice. The ACLU is keeping an eye on the constitutionality of it. Apparently one can walk down the street in boxer shorts and not be arrested; but if your trousers are lowered enough to expose them, then they are subject to arrest. Several guys have already been fined for flouting the underwear law. Now, if a girl practiced this fashion, who would complain?
About this Presidential election again. I like John McCain. Seems like a nice enough guy and I imagine both he and Obama could make a good President, but as far as McCain is concerned-- this man is 73 years old and the oldest candidate ever. Those who have reached that milestone know what it feels like, and I don't know where or how Sen. McCain is going to preserve and protect the energy that will be required of the main man in the White House. And after 4 years, he'll be 76. Besides the fact of his age, he most certainly had to be traumatized by his experience as a POW in Viet Nam. Unless, of course, his treatment was not so bad as has been discussed in the media. He did refuse to leave--as he was allowed to do; and that's another thing that needs to be explained because I surely want to understand that. The man has to be suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which ailment would, as a matter of fact, affect his performance as President. I'm not trying to be political here--I simply want to understand the man. There are things I'd like to understand about Obama also...but that's another blog. I'm a few years over 73 and I don't have the energy to write any more today. And so I don't believe I could be President. Who'd vote for me?

Monday, September 8, 2008

"O! How full of briers is this working day world!" (As You Like It)

Today the pool therapy thing proved to be a big I've said in previous blogs, "Nothing works." No, I do not mean to imply that I went through the treatment and didn't get "cured." What happened is that we got a call from the Y this morning saying that the pool was "broken" and that it was hoped to be repaired by Friday, my next appointment. So, I went back to sleep and didn't get out of the bed until noon. By the time I took my medication, read the sports section and my e-mail it wasn't until 1:30pm that I had my breakfast. What a life! My next "job" was to proof read the City of Hope's newsletter. I'm responsible for that each time the newsletter comes out. I don't get paid, but hopefully I get "donor" credit. (I'm not sure what that is; except it's a female thing). But I'm certain it's something that cannot be deposited in your bank.
A brand, spanking, new library opened about a month ago, here on Hagen Ranch Rd. right nearby. I guess Rhoda could walk there. She loves books and libraries. I went over there and gave them a copy of "Memoirs" to put on a shelf, since I do live in the neighborhood. I haven't any idea of what's happened to it. I guess I'll go over there one day and check on it. If it hasn't reached a shelf, I'll retrieve it and donate it to some other poor library. I don't know how they can call it a "library" if it doesn't have a copy of my book. Actually, I just published a new version of it: a black and white copy with grandson Adam's designed cover and dedicated to my unit in Dunkeswell, Fleet Air Wing 7, and to Hal Mack, the only other living member of my air crew. The other copy with Adam's cover has the same text, but all the images are in full color. There is also an 8x10 Memoir with a hard cover--also in full color, but it costs about 60 bucks. It has only sold one copy--I own it. But some people are buying the book and the proof is that I recently got a royalty check! What a life! ...
Well, Ike has taken a left turn away from these parts and it looks as though Rhoda will make her flight to New York after all. She wants to visit her granddaughters...and who can blame her. She is leaving on Thursday and returning on Monday--a week from today. Following that event, and speaking of granddaughters, Robin is coming here on Friday and leaving next Tuesday--by all standards, a lengthy stay. I'm not sure what we are going to do; I don't think she likes casinos, and she's not an avid movie I don't know what's left...except eating and talking. We certainly are not going to talk politics, since I don't believe she is going for Obama and OBiden. I can't blame her if she votes Republican; I fully understand where she is coming from. After all, Jeb gave her the top VA job in Florida, and his bro made her an Undersecretary of the VA for Memorial Affairs. And daddy Bush was quite supportive of her when she lost her husband, Rich to terrorists in Lebanon. He even mentions her in his book. Can't blame her for being loyal. Loyalty is a good thing. Even Aristotle would agree in his "Golden Mean". Disloyalty is an extreme deception of sorts; adoration is an extreme conception of sorts; but loyalty is a golden good. Am I wrong? Nah.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

"How poor are they who have no patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees." (Othello)

Tomorrow is the day I start my water therapy. I'll have a therapist march me across the YMCA pool and then march me back. Well, I'm just guessing about that. Maybe I'll have to do it myself...and I don't know how many times. I do know when I first came to Florida, I used to swim 80 laps every day in our clubhouse pool. I measured it off and 80 laps equaled one mile. I hope they don't have me walk 80 laps now. I'll probably require oxygen. Yesterday, Rhoda and I went to Sports Authority to find a pair of pool shoes. I never even heard of pool shoes until I learned it would be required of me at the Y. When I first came down here, I got a job in the summer as a swimming instructor at St. Andrews. I had a Red Cross instructors badge. Bob Beamon was also a counselor at that camp. He once broke the world record for the long jump in the Olympics...29 feet. It would take a normal person about 3 jumps to get that far. Well, we finally found a pair of pool shoes. They had little holes in them, I imagine to let the water out. It'll take me an hour to put them on. You ask "Why are you taking this water therapy?" My answer is I haven't a clue. I suppose it's because I'm not walking straight, and I have no balance. I know when I walk, I look like a drunken sailor. I told the therapist at the evaluation last week that I have no faith in the process...but we'll see. One of my readers--Phil B., the Governor of Gutenberg, N.J., wrote a comment to my previous blog that he is happy I am doing this. He's not the only I'm doing it to make everyone happy.

In order to be allowed in this pool, however, you're not supposed to have any open wounds on your legs that might bleed...and I have several. In fact, until today, I had six band aids on my body, three of which were covering squamous cell casanovas which my Germatologist removed after biopsies showed two casanovas on my arms and one on my right leg. Not only do I have these casanovas, but several other ailments; to wit--Intermittons Claudication which causes severe pain in my legs after walking a few yards; PTSD which you suffer from after severe experiences in a war; Angelo Fibrillation, commonly known as A-Fib. Because of this one, I've had a pacemaker implanted in my chest. My Newroligist says I have "newropathy"--which means under both feet it feels as though I'm walking on a lump in each foot. My Orthopenis says I have "spinal stenosis" which doesn't really bother me until I try to lift something heavy. Finally, I have COPD--Chronic Obstructive Pulmonmary Decease. For this, I have a "puffer" which I use when I'm out of breath. Right now, though, I'm about out of words.