Today when I opened the newspaper to the editorial page, I found that the Sun-Sentinel published my November 20th blog, "Liberality". It took so long for them to decide to publish it, that yesterday I sent it to the Palm Beach Post. My timing is not so good. The S-S put a nice headline in bold letters over my article, "Liberalism is Good for the Soul". Now I don't know about that. I mean do we actually have a soul? When we die does it actually (if we're good) leave the body and rise up to Heaven? And I wonder where Heaven can possibly be since the Earth is round, the moon is round, all the planets are round, and the sun is really very hot and round. Astronomers now claim that the Universe began with a "big bang" and is still expanding. So where can Heaven be located? I know that when I die, I want to be buried with "OnStar" which will give me directions...assuming that I'm eligible for Heaven. And which moral code will I be using in my life? There is hardly any item of our Western moral code which is not held somewhere to be immoral; not only polygamy but suicide, murder of one's own countrymen, even of one's parents, finds in one people or another a lofty moral approval.
The wives of Fijian chiefs consider it a sacred duty to suffer strangulation on the death of their husbands. I know Rhoda will tender objections to this practice. One anthropologist finds that the Makololo women, on the shores of the Zambezi, were quite shocked to hear that in England a man had only one wife; to have only one was not 'respectable.' So too, in Equatorial Africa, if a man marries, and his wife thinks he can afford another spouse, she pesters him to marry again; and calls him a 'stingy' fellow if he declines to do so. Well, I suppose that it doesn't hurt to have more than one woman in the household to do the domestic chores. Such facts, of course, conflict with the Western belief that there is an inborn sense which tells each man what is right and what is wrong. But if I adopted polygamy, I'm sure Rhoda would leave and I'm stuck with one wife, anyway.
Harking back to the soul and Heaven, there are those who believe the soul never leaves the body. That, indeed, is loyalty--an important item in the Western moral code--but a little hard to swallow be there a Heaven.