Now, I'm really getting scared. The more I read, listen, and learn about the views of Sarah Palin, the more nervous I am getting about the direction this country might take if she were to become V.P.: and since she may be a heartbeat away from the presidency because Mr. McCain is an old man, cancer prone, and no doubt suffering from PTSD...I have my reasons for being scared. Not only is Palin pro-life, but remains that way even in the case of rape or incest. That's way off to the right. She also believes that Creationism ought to be taught in the public schools--that Adam and Eve should be taught as science. (All this from her own lips--not pundit guesses. Certainly, a Lipstick Fascist...this is just not simply right wing stuff). Palin, in addition, has inquired of a librarian as to how to go about banning books. She says that some books children ought not to read either because of sexual content or other reasons that might be harmful to children by giving them the wrong idea of how the universe was created. Palin was also present in the Wasilla Bible Church on Aug. 17 when David Brickner, the CEO of "Jews for Jesus" gave a speech in which he implied that Israel was being punished for not believing or become Christians. Brickner denies that was his intention, but that's a lie. And Palin also has lied about her own views on global warming and on her support for the "bridge to nowhere." She has in addition gone after the job of Mike Wooten, a State Trooper in the midst of a bitter divorce with her sister, Molly. As Shakespeare has said, "One may smile and smile and be a villain." Now, I have no doubt that Sarah Palin is a very fine wife and mother, a
nd so she is more fit for that employment than she would be as a fascist president. I'm sure I must be offending some Republicans; that's not my intention. My intention is to write about Sarah Palin as I understand her, and so get it off my chest. Sarah said that Obama is afraid that no one will "read terrorists their rights." This, to me, sounds like another Republican who is whittling away at the United States' Constitution. Vote for McCain at your own ... and the country's peril.

1 comment:
Palin, like all the others, has no say in her actions - they are all puppets to the cartel that truly run this world - wake up to the performance that is all a lie.
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