When this holiday comes around every year, zillions of e-cards, Hallmark cards, 50% off cards are mailed, and telephone calls are made wishing zillions a Happy New Year and/or L'Shanah Tovah! Then in the erev, the guests come to the house for a happy dinner with witty chatter, gales of laughter, wine, gefilte fish, chopped liver and whatever else is necessary to make the happiness wishes a reality. But now, after all this Bacchanalian gaiety, a week later everyone goes to temple on Yom Kipppur crying, grieving, and asking forgiveness for the previous week's sins. I presume that the previous year's sins have already been forgiven from last year's Yom Kippur. Sometimes it's rough being Jewish.
I, personally, am not a temple goer anymore. I used to go. But now I'm bored, and I am personally against standing, sitting down, standing, sitting down all through services at the rabbi's whim it seems. I can't prove it because I no longer read Hebrew. And I'm opposed to wearing jackets in Florida, temple or no.
I'm still involved in submitting and reviewing poetry on poetry.com. The latest poem I entered, "And So...Farewell" received the following review which was gratifying and made me blush. Yeah, right. "Ampaden" says it's the best poem she's read on that site. Considering the fact that there are hundreds submitted each day, it's quite a compliment.
Reviewer :Ampaden Rating: * * * * *
September 10, 2007 6:39 PM
Positive Feedback:
This is the best poem I have read on this website! You have mastered the form and presented a beautiful feeling of longing. The poem actually sings the feelings of the narrator.
1 comment:
Happy New Year to all who LOVE the Ross's and read this site
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