Friday, January 2, 2009

"I do not like the way the cards are shuffled, But yet I like the game and want to play." (Eugene Ware)

Since the last two days on the Noordam cruise ship, I've had a whopping pain in my left shoulder caused by--I don't know what. I let it go for the past week and it only seemed to be getting worse. Two tylenols had no effect on it at all. If you've ever been to an ER or a doctor's office that had a chart with a "smiley face" guy getting pain from 1 to 10 as his face changes according to the level of his pain, well at its worst, my pain was a 9. I think if you get a 10, you're dead. But the pain seemed to level off to a 3 or 4 and then started up again. Today I went to my orthopedist--the same guy that tied up my Achilles tendons in 1982. He said I had bursitis and gave me a cortisone shot. It was fine for about 4 or 5 hours, but now the pain seems to be coming right back. He gave me a prescription for a pain killer, but it hasn't been filled yet. Oh, well, I'll watch one of the bowl games to take my mind off the bursitis.
If you think I've taken my mind off the "10 Best" things, well I haven't. No, I'm not going to put down the ten best pains I've ever had; however, I will note the 10 top baseball players I've ever seen. Of course I haven't seen some of the really old guys, so I can't put them on my list. But here follows my list of the 10 best baseball players I've ever seen. If you've seen any better,'re wrong.
1) Willie Mays 2) Joe DiMaggio 3) Barry Bonds 4) Stan Musial 5) Jackie Robinson 6) Mickey Mantle 7) Sandy Koufax 8) Lou Gehrig 9) Cal Ripken 10) Babe Ruth
Now these guys are not in any "best"'s just a list of my choices. If you think I've missed a couple, I'd be happy to hear about it, but I don't think you'll find any to break into my top ten. Oh, I know there was Ty Cobb, Cy Young, Roy Campanella, Yogi, and one guy from Pittsburgh ???
This is getting to be fun, so I'm going on to some other top tens. My next blog will contain the ten top foods that I've been privileged to partake now and then--mostly now. Yes, make your own list and see if it breaks into mine! While I'm at it, I think Rhoda would be on the list of my ten best wives. Of course, I'll need eight more so you'll have to wait a little bit for that.


Bob Fox said...

I don't know who should be eliminated but I certainly would disqualify Bonds and find a way to include Henry Aaron, Roberto Clemente and Johnny Bench even if the list looked like a racing form with 9, 9A, 10, and 10A entries. Happy holidays and I enjoy the 10 bests. Bob Fox

Anonymous said...

Didn't Hank Greenberg attend your high school? Did you not see him play, or are you anti-Semitic?

Anonymous said...

It was stated that the players included were only the ones I saw play! Barry Bonds in no way can be eliminated. He was never convicted of anything; he played for 24 years; and even with steroids, he still had to get the bat on the ball. What about Roger Clemens? And I believe Pete Rose should be in the Hall of Fame. There were over the years thousands of ball players and surely some of them bet on their games. The man had more hits than Ty Cobb. (Remember, Baron is a liberal).