Saturday, January 3, 2009

"This fellow is wise enough to play the fool; And to do that well craves a kind of wit." (12th Night)

There has been some comment feedback to the "10 Best" lists posted on these blogs recently; one of them questioned the omission of Hank Greenberg from the list since he went to my high school and am I "anti-Semitic?" The fact is I never saw him play and the list contains players I have seen. He actually went to Red Baron's school in Little Timber, Alaska, which Gov. Palin can see from her kitchen window, And if you feel that Hank got the cold shoulder, hold your fire until you see the list of foods. He only played 13 seasons, and got a D- in Baron's English class.

Now, it's time to settle once and for all the debate over the first references in print to the game of baseball. The 10 best earliest references to baseball occur in the plays of William Shakespeare and include the following: "And so I shall catch the fly." (Henry V) 2. "I'll catch it ere it com to ground." (Macbeth) 3. A hit, a very palpable hit!" (Hamlet) 4. "You may go walk." (Taming of the Shrew) 5. "For this relief, much thanks." (Hamlet) 6. "You have scarce time to steal." (Henry VIII) 7. O Hateful error." (J. Caesar) 8. Run, run, O run!" (Lear)
9. Fair is foul, and foul is fair." (Macbeth) 10. "My arm is sore." (Antony & Cleopatra)

And so much for that. Speaking of arms being sore--mine is very sore; I still have the bursitis pain in spite of the cortisone shot I got yesterday. We will be getting to the pharmacy today to pick up the pain-killer prescription the doctor gave to me yesterday, and I am hopeful it does the job. Rhoda and I are going to a movie today and perhaps it will take my mind off the discomfort-- if you prefer to call it that.

I will be teaching "Hamlet" to a group of 15 in the clubhouse, beginning Jan. 9 for six Friday sessions. I do hope I have something of some teaching skill left to hold their interest. We shall see. Keep your mouths open for the blog that will contain my "10 Best Foods".


Anonymous said...

Red Baron's school in Little Timber, AK? When did Red Baron go to or teach in AK? And, "My arm is sore" - what a timely reference in Shakespeare. My mouth is watering over thinking of MY top 10 foods (altho you've already admonished me that chocolate and ice cream are not in the four food groups).

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the top tens of anything! It's like watching the highlights of all the sports channels for the weekend, or the year, you're bound to love them!
To agree or disagree with YOUR choices is a waste of time and energy. Everyone has a right to their WRONG opinion! HA!
I will be thinking of MY top ten foods, whils't I await yours.