Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 A very good year?

Well, now--here it is, the last day of the year, and looking back what kind of year has it been? Of course, if memory fails me, I can always read my blogs for the year, but one real event that stays with me was the trauma of injuring myself on the Auto Train on the way to Virginia. It took me a long while to heal and a long time to be uncomfortable and in pain. The other unfortunate event was having to cancel the cruise we had planned in the Scandinavian countries to celebrate our 25th Anniversary in July. I became sick--of what I can't recall, but we just didn't get to cruise because of that. Otherwise, I believe it was a pretty good year. I got to publish a couple of blog books, and another will be published next year. Rho and I did get to go on a Xmas/Chanukah cruise to the Caribbean for ten days, and this time Rhoda became very ill and as soon as we got home from the cruise, I called 911 and she went to the hospital for a few days. She came back yesterday, and today she feels fine. 2008 also saw a Wall St. disaster and a new President-elect. At least, the guy of my choice won for a change. I had to wait eight years for that satisfaction. With the economy the way it is now, it is virtually impossible to find a place to put your money. I like to buy CDs which I believe is the best choice for retirees, but the interest rates for them are way down. The best rate I could find was at the Ever Bank in Jacksonville @ 3.25% for 12 months. I didn't know too much about that bank until I discovered a very helpful web site that gives you information about the security of any bank and if it's FDIC insured. ( Go to this site and click on "Bank Find". When you get there, just type in the name of the bank you want to find out about and the state it's in. I hope it works for you.
Because of Rhoda' illness, we had to cancel one more event. We were planning to go to the Isle Casino tonite with Mike and Helen H. but now our plans are to just go out for dinner and then come home. We may go next door for a drink later. I only drink soda--diet coke with the caffeine in it. I don't think next door carries it. Well, y'all have a very Happy New Year. I hope to start the New Year off tomorrow with a new blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We await the brilliant musings and commentary of the Immortal Red Baron with bated (hopefully, not bad) breath. As he said himself,

"Out of the night that covers me
Black as The Pit from Pole to Pole...

"I am the Master of My Fate
I am the captain of my soul."

A splendid 2009 to whomever reads this, full of health, happiness, and joy!

Not many can truthfully say that, but we grant that the Baron can.

Another year of good times for the Baron and the Clan Ross! Thank you very much, Whoever Is In Charge.