Friday, February 1, 2008

"Those friends thou hast and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel." (Hamlet)

Well, we pulled it off. A surprise party for Rhoda was actually a surprise. There were 21 people in the Piazza de Italia in a private room. Neighbors, some relatives, and some people from our show, My Fair Lady. Everyone was compatible and "three sheets to the wind" they say. The food and service was fabulous, and I left a 20% gratuity. When we got home, Rho had a great time opening birthday cards with gifts to various places like Macy's, Maggiano's, Chicos, Movico, and etc. Very imaginative people, and we are very fond of all of them.
This afternoon I had an appointment with my neurologist because I wanted to get a prescription for a motorized scooter so that I would save on the taxes. I told him I had tremors in my hands and that I had problems writing my name on credit card bills and also writing letters in the little boxes that come with xword puzzles. He said it was due to one of medications I'm taking and nothing to really worry about--and definitely not Parkinson's. So now besides getting some new wheels for Rhoda, we'll get some new wheels for me. A scooter beats sitting in a wheelchair as far as I'm concerned and it will definitely be required on our cruising of Scandinavia next July.
Today I also got some good news about my computer. The disease wasn't terminal after all. I'll pick it up tomorrow and my very good friend, Billy Berger, said he would hook it up for me. After all, he's a handy man and I'm merely a poet.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I was passing Piazza de Roma last night and decided to see the insides of the restaurant and to check it out.
My wife and I sat down in a corner looking at the platters served, when I realized the waiters were serving my wife and I. What the hell, I thought, they were being cordial and inviting. Well, we ate like royalty. When the group that I was with, started singing, Happy Birthday (Rona or Rhoda) I realized I was at the wrong place.
My wife and I discreetly left. We wish to thank that group for the free food.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Great comment by anonymous.

Happy Birthday Rhoda!!

Anonymous said...

Nos subsisto domi hoping pro an invitation , tamen nullus venit. Quare erant nos invited?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous Luscious Long Legs. Vous nullus attendum le fete duto vous esta n'estce pas domino in esta condominium numero uno y tambien vous nullus in le My Fair Lady. Leer usted le blog de dia Fevrier 3. Je vous t'aime.