Saturday, February 2, 2008

"Sic Atur Ad Astra"

I'm still using this balky laptop which keeps freezing up everytime I try to go to another site. Then I have to reboot it in order for me to get here. But from here it won't allow me to go anywhere else. So I just minimize this and play Jewel Quest offline. If this laptop is an example of all laptops, I prefer to take it over my knee. Anyway, my own computer which expired and buried has risen like Lazarus from the grave and is sitting on my den floor waiting for Billy B. to come up and plug in all the plugs. I don't do that sort of work; I'm just a poet.

Rhoda celebrated her birthday today in fine style. She lunched with our neighbor, Judy B. at First Watch Cafe in Boca. She had a free meal birthday coupon which she printed off the internet. For dinner we are having franks and beans and then we'll be off to see Bruce Adler in a show at the clubhouse. The mail today included a dozen or so birthday cards inside of which were some generous gift cards. Rhoda is a very, very popular gal around these parts.
Also in the mail...I mean the email today was a letter from Lulu (the publisher) which surprised me. I'll share it with you.
Dear Norman Ross:
Your assigned ISBN has been accepted by Bowker and listed in the Books In Print > > ISBN: (978-0-6151-7091-6} > Title: {SHADOWS in the SUNSET} That means the information on your book is now available to all the companies in the book world that access Books In Print. (Trust us, that's a lot of > companies.) Plus, as part of the Published service, we're in the process of sending details about your book to our own network of print partners not to mention other major international databases that provide information and services up and down the book supply chain. All the way up, in fact, to places like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Ingram Book Company, Nielsen BookData in the UK and others!
You can expect to see your work listed on retail sites within the next six weeks, but remember that each bookseller controls its own process.
Now you're an officially recognized published author. And you're global! > > Congratulations, > > Lulu
"Thus one goes to the stars; such is the way to immortality"

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