Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"My eyes do itch; doth that bode weeping?" (Othello)

Hello out there! I'm using a neighbor's lap top in my den to check my mail and to write this blog. My own computer is in the hospital with a possible terminal disease. I'm sure it might be Aids because I had a gay computer. At any rate, just to catch up...and I have a lot of other things to do on here before I get my own back--it was like a death in the family--like a pet dog. My daughter, Bonny, came here for the weekend with grandson, Sean. Sean was hot to trot down to the beach to see if the waves were good for surfing. Sure enough, he rented a surfboard and surfed in the Atlantic. We also went to my mother's gravesite to pay our homage; to Green Cay to walk on the boardwalk and see some wild life. Sean enjoys flea markets, so we went to a big indoor one. When we were in St. Thomas Rhoda bought Bonny a Lladro which she had been wanting to do since last year: A boy holding a surfboard with a little dog at his feet. She loved it.
I want to share with you, Bob Fox's email to me following his visit. I wrote about that a couple of blogs ago if you want to catch up. He was a student of mine from 1960.
Doc, it was a highlight to see you and your matching sparkling eyes and spirit. Too bad we can't go out and play some golf together but, who knows, maybe next year. Thanks for the kind words in your blog...I sent it to my wife underscoring the comment about looking 45. I am back in CT and preparing for my first class day tomorrow. My school, particularly my department, is in chaos and I will be meeting with the president and his two vice presidents this week to see if they agree on my conditions for assuming the chair and athletic director positions. In the meantime, I mentioned chelation to you. It is controversial and I have no personal experience with it but EDTA chelation is a process that deminerializes (if that is such a word) the blood of excesses that contribute to blocking blood vessels from plaque formation. You can research it and make your own judgment. By the way, as a scholar, you can go to google, click on the top where it says "more." A menu will drop down with all sorts of interesting advanced searches. I click on "scholar" and get advanced research papers on virtually any subject.

Thanks again for the warm visit. I have your words and thoughts of wisdom. I will stay in touch and wish you good health and peace for '08. Bob
The part about chelation has to do with my "claudication"--I have a big problem walking, and we went to the VA recently to see if I would be eligible for a scooter. This is the best I can do today--don't give up--I'll be back.

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