Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"Fortune is merry, and in this mood will give us anything." (Julius Caesar)

Just got back from Applebees where I feasted on fried shrimp and french fried potatoes. I'm not fond of that restaurant, but Rhoda enjoys it. She had tilapia. Right now I'm taking a break from packing --a chore of which I am also not fond. How many socks? How many shorts? How many shirts, pants, jackets, underwear, shoes? And guesses are hazardous. But if I have my crossword puzzle book and Will Durant's "Story of Philosophy" I may never have to leave the stateroom. Room service is available 7/24 (or is it 24/7?). Oh, did I forget to say that we are leaving tomorrow morning for our cruise. You can read more about it in yesterday's blog, if I remember correctly. We'll be back on Dec. 16 so don't expect any more blogs from me until then. And at that time, I hope I have good news about our gambling fortune. But fortune is fickle.

Till then good friends, have a Happy Hanukkah. Don't forget to light the menorah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bon voyage, bonne chance, and happy Chanukkah.