When I got home from our cruise this afternoon, we got a telephone call from my granddaughter, Katrina, who now is living in California. Katrina recently graduated from the Motorcycle Mechanics Institute in Phoenix. Her father, Bobby, who also happens to be my son is a sales agent for Harley-Davidson in Virginia. Well, you could have blowed me down when she said she had joined the United States Navy
! She said she was going to Boot Camp at the Naval Station in Great Lakes, Il. where I did my training in 1942. I just knew that one of the grandkids was going to carry on the military tradition that seems to be the lot of this family--but I never suspected that it would be PK--Princess K, that is. When asked what she would like to do in the Navy, she said she wanted to work on jet engines. Why not? To tell the truth, I was absolutely flabbergasted at this turn of events, but nevertheless delighted that this grandchild made an important decision about the direction she wishes to take in her life. 

Now I was supposed to write about our cruise in the Caribbean, but when I got this news, I decided our reaction to it had to come first. Tomorrow will be time enough for news about that event in which Rhoda fell on the pier in Dominica and gushed blood from her chin. Medics got her back on the ship and she had four stitches to sew up the wound. She's a strong lady. In order to disembark from this huge ship, she coerced me into a wheelchair kicking and screaming. More about that later.
PK's news just kinda blew us away also!!
I'm thinkin' it's good!
OY VEY! (about the gushing blood part! Oy Vey, Rhoda!)
And about Katrina -- I am so proud of her and excited for what she is about to discover. Her life is now forever changed.
PK's news kinda blew us away too! But it sounds like a good thing!
And wheel chairs are a luxury, by the way. Don't you know?
Good luck Katrina! Adam has a friend who is an ensign in the Navy (he even came to our Hanukkah party), and we arranged for him to have a long talk with PK (before she signed up) about what she should do and what to expect. He loves it.
After hearing my little girl wanted to join the NAVY, I felt so many different things, all at the same time. First off, PRIDE! She seemed to make this major decision on her own. And the NAVY! Dad should be PROUD too! She is still young, and can take 4 years to be taught the things I missed as a parent. This is wartime, but she would be on a ship, not in the "sand". She works well with others, but does not play well with authority figures. She will be well taken care of; meals, housing, clothing, a paycheck, etc. but WHEN WILL I SEE HER? And am I now letting someone else take care of ALL her neccessary needs...will she still need me?
A proud father.
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