It seems that I have developed a "pen pal" from England--Ruth Grimsley (60) who just happens to be a cousin of my ex-wife, Thelma...a most recently discovered cousin, actually. It's a long story, too long to exposit here--just take my word for it, Ruth is related to Thelma's side of the family. Ruth and I have developed a correspondence since she purchased a copy of my book. She is a very bright gal who was a lawyer, but now is involved with "philology". I presume when I was married to my ex, I was Ruth's "cousin-in-law", and so she still signs off as "Cuz" which is fine with me. I could always use another cousin--especially one who takes the time to write to me as none of the others do. Since reading my book she says she has a "burning desire" to visit Dunkeswell in England where I was stationed in WWII; and she also wrote she would like to meet me. Of course, the feeling is mutual--I can just imagine us shooting darts in a pub while imbibing some bitters and ale. Won't happen.
Joel and Bobby are no doubt settled into their normal routine after their too brief visit here. Fortunately we still have some food left--a few slices of bread and some bottled water. They took home with them two of my treasured gold coins; (if my daughters are reading this--don't fret, I have a couple for you when you get to south Florida, although gold has dropped slightly below $800 an ounce now).
Now, I await my dear wife's call from the beauty parlor so I can join her for lunch.
She'll be quite famished after conducting a lively City of Hope meeting this morning. By "famished", I mean hungry--not "fam-ished" confused. Bon jour tout a les amis.
I had a good time visiting and now that I am home, I think one more day would have been nice. I thought the trip went great, saw what and who I needed to see, and did what I set out to do.
I think golf is in my future (near?) and I will always remember to keep my head still! Thank you again, you're the best! (STANDING APLAUSE)
Bobby Anonymous...thanks for the kind words. Advice: When you write a comment don't click "Anonymous" and then add your name at the end. Click "Other" and then write your name. Signed: The Best
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