My two sons are gone now, and I'm just starting to recover from the wild times we shared together. We all have beards, and perhaps to others who saw us we looked like a convention of rabbis. Bobby has the most hair. In fact he has about as much hair on his head and face as on a grizzly Bear's whole body. I must have given my hair gene to Bobby and his sister. No two brothers that I know of are
less like each other than these two, and that's just an observation--not a critique. Bobby is gregarious, outgoing, verbal, warm, friendly, sociable, cordial, genial, and garrulous--all of the above are the requisite qualities he takes to his job as a sales agent for Harley-Davidson. Joel, on the other hand is taciturn, reserved, silent, reticent, introverted, aloof, highly intelligent, and witty--requisite qualities for an employee of the CIA. (And thank God for the Thesaurus). If I had to compare myself to them, I'd say I am most like JR. Although I don't mean to imply that each does not have some of the qualities of the other from time to time--depending on the circumstances. One quality that each of them shares is stubbornness, a quality which they probably got from their mother's side.

Now that I cannot play golf anymore, I'm somewhat at a loss as to what to do to replace it. After all, I'm used to playing three or four times a week and a round of golf, counting transportation and etc., generally takes about five hours. That's a large time span to fill up doing nothing. Of course, writing this blog takes about an hour or so by the time I finish editing it. But what next? I had thought about teaching another Shakespeare play, but that takes a lot of preparation and I no longer have the kind of energy I need to teach a class as I once did. Then, of course, I spent the last couple of years writing my book, but that's also been put to bed. My current plan is to write another book--a fiction book involving some famous philosopher's life, i.e.: Spinoza, Aristotle, or Mike Herbstman. Any other ideas? Happy Thanksgiving.
You got it right, except for the genes given to hair quantity and stubbornness...LOL
...and where is the picture of the 3 Rabbi?
yes you are taciturn, reserved, silent, reticent, introverted, aloof,Not too sure about intelligent. Add to all them quiet, close mouthed, and definitely not gregarious and uncommunicative. Getting you to open up has always been at best inpossible to do. But, as a friend, you are still the best.
would love to get you together with some friends of mine, but I am afraid that it would be on e of the quietest evenings I have had in many a year.
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