It's quite amazing what you can do with a computer. I know that I could never have written a book without it. Banging things out on a typewriter is not my thing. Yesterday Rhoda (who was RH+ all day) needed a letterhead
for the City of Hope so that she and the corresponding secretary of the chapter could use it to write official letters. But she said she would need the COH's logo on the letterhead, and I asked her if the logo would be on the organization's official website. Sure enough when I went there, I found the logo and somehow got the image sent to "My Documents" where I will now upload it to this blog! There; now isn't that beautiful? So, Rho and I used it to create a letterhead as a Word document. Remarkable!

The only "fun" I'm having now in my otiose existence is with "quips and quotes" in emails with various intelligentsia. I won't name them here for fear that they would prefer not to be "outed". Many times people will not want to socialize with you if you have more brains than they do. It is an aliquot of the burden of education. At any rate as an example, I've been communicating with a lady in the UK who insists that she is my cousin. She bought my book so she can call me "Cuz" as long as she wishes. She claims that the word originated with Rosalind in "As You Like It" when she uses the word "cos" referring to her cousin Celia. Since 1559 it has changed its spelling and is still useful thanks to W.S
So, this UK "cuz" continues with her historical linguistics (my minor in college) by asking what my thoughts were on the usage of "lip", "cheek", "nerve", "gall", and the Aussie word "hide" to mean "effrontery" or insolence. She seems curious as to why all these words are so "physical". My thoughts as I relayed them to her were that I preferred the word "chutzpah" to all of those. Too bad Webster wasn't Jewish.
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