Monday, October 29, 2007

"...bring forth men children only." (Macbeth)

To all my blog readers, I'm so sorry I haven't entertained and informed you for the last few days. It's too long a story to explain. So on to today's adventures and it was a good day. This afternoon, I took RH+ (altho, sometimes it's RH-) to her eye doctor. Her cataract surgery restored her vision completely in her right eye; too bad it didn't turn out the same for her left eye in which she has no vision. The doctor gave her a prescription for new glasses, and with that, her two year ordeal is over. She is ecstatic about getting good sight back so that she can read even small print mine. Speaking of books, my MEMOIRS is now for sale on dozens of online sites like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, etc. It's even on a Japanese website. Now is won't be long before my poetry book, will also be available in those bookstores. Truth is, I really don't expect many sales--perhaps not even one. But who knows?
Another very good thing that happened not too long ago was a phone call I got from number 2 son, Bobby the Biker, who said he missed me and wanted to come here from November 9th to the 11th. Not only was that a surprise, but also a shock! I said of course he could come...but then an even huger, humongous shocking surprise occurred when he said he wanted to bring his brother, Joel the Spy along. Boy, do I miss those two guys...and also their sisters. I told Bobby I'd be delighted to see them for those three days. We'll have some guy fun. I can't believe they are both in their 50s. When people ask me if I have any children I tell them "no"...I only have adults--two men and two women. They don't come here very often; they do have jobs to go to and homes and wives to support. So, I understand.
For our dinner tonite, I asked Rhoda what we were having and she said, chicken...and I said we needed to celebrate her successful eye surgery, so we stopped at the fish market and bought Florida stone crabs for me and crab cakes for her. I really don't know anyone else who eats stone crabs, but as for me, if you read my book, you might remember that my sister and I lived right behind the famous Joe's Stone Crab restaurant in Miami Beach and we learned to love stone crabs when we were kids. You eat them cold...with mustard sauce and a Dr. Brown's black cherry diet soda. And maybe a sweet potato and matzoh


Anonymous said...

Let me remind you that RH- is only used in the medical field. Especially when referring to a blood type.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Right. Duhhhh.