Tuesday, October 2, 2007

"If I lose mine honour, I lose myself..." (Antony & Cleopatra)

It's a lazy Tuesday with nothing much to do. Baseball playoffs start tomorrow. U.S Women's World Cup soccer team won 3rd place. They would have done a lot better if they had signed me up as coach. After all, I do have a way with the fair sex...they tell me. However, they rarely tell me which way. So, I've decided that today I would discuss two problems with you. One has to do with what to do about breakfast; the other about whether or not I should sit in a wheelchair from the bus to the cruise ship in December. Mundane stuff.

Now, about breakfast. This won't take long. I haven't eaten cereal in years; ever since that bad lady in Miami Beach shoved Wheatena down my throat in 1931. I'm not very good at frying eggs, and even if I were, I still wouldn't be looking forward to cleaning the frying pan. Cottage cheese in the morning has no appeal for me, and neither does the thought of making french toast. (I don't capitalize 'french' because I don't want the french to have the satisfaction). So what's left? A bagel and cream cheese, perhaps; an Eggo with maple syrup and strawberry jam? Matzoh brei? Also a lot of trouble and preparation, what with the boiling water, the crumbling of the matzoh, the stirring of the eggs,etc. Now I'm getting tired of having to make such inane decisions so early in the morning since I'm accustomed to deciding sterner stuff. Actually, breakfast is not that early, since I usually rise around 11am, take my morning short of breath puffer and my meds, check the scores in the paper, then my email. So "breakfast" usually begins about noon! If anyone out there in cyberland can offer some new breakfast suggestions, leave a comment. Thanks.

The other problem is a sore spot. The sore spot happens to my left and right hip sites. I haven't been able to walk more that a short distance without pain and several doctors have been at a loss as to how to alleviate it. They've diagosed the problem as "intermittant claudification" or something to that effect. But that's not the problem I'm at a loss about. We are scheduled for a cruise in December and it's a fairly long walk from the bus to the ship, and I can negotiate that distance--but not without stopping several times along the way until the agonizing pain also stops. So, Rhoda has gone ahead and scheduled a wheelchair pickup for me...she said, "with or without your approval." The thought of me in a wheelchair is anathema! It simply isn't an option. I'm a marathon runner, and we don't do wheelchairs. My parents were in wheelchairs, and I decided to take a different road. Now the Gordian Knot is this: Shall I walk to the cruise ship with Courageous Hall of Fame type Dignity in pain...or shall I sit Cowardly in the Wheelchair sans pain, but in Hall of Fame type Humiliation? 'Tis a puzzlement.

Now if there is anyone out there in cyberland who can offer some advice, leave a comment.


Anonymous said...

How about breakfast out. You can call it breakfast (or anything else you want) and the rest of the world can call it brunch, lunch or second breakfast. I will be glad to join you in such a venture when I return in 3 or 4 weeks. Until then, may I suggest 2 Mallomars and a glass of milk.

Red Baron said...

1) Thanks for responding to my request for help.
2) Breakfast out is at least $10
3) Mallomars are now $4.25 a box. So, about 42 cents a mallomar. Equivalent to cigarettes. I don't smoke cigarettes for breakfast.
4) I don't drink milk.

Anonymous said...

1. Breakfast
A. Pop Tarts!
B. Oatmeal. Not the kind your grandmother used to make. In the 21st century, futuristic pre-measured packets exist; you just add water or milk, put in the microwave, and there you are. And they have many flavors: maple raisin, apple cinnamon, etc.

2. Wheelchair
Do what your wife tells you to do! Why make her suffer (waiting impatiently while you rest your legs every other minute)? Was FDR humiliated and undignified? Do what your wife tells you, or you'll suffer a lot more long-term damage than a short wheelchair ride will inflict.

Red Baron said...

Dear JR: Thanks for the response. I shall not eat those packet oatmeals because my wife says they are not very good, and said she'll make me cooked oatmeal.
2) Pop tarts are for baby boomers, not for greatest generationists.
3) I shall do as you say: listen to my wife because I do not want her to suffer waiting for me to rest my legs. So, one out of two ain't so bad.

Anonymous said...

I occasionally enjoy a half grapefruit slightly sprinkled with sugar, using one of those spoons with a serated edge just for grapefruit, and then I eat the other half! I then squeeze the leftover juice from them into a glass, and drink it all up!
No cereal or oatmeal for me...that's jail food!

Red Baron said...

Sorry, Anonymous. A med that I take prohibits grapefruit. Try something else.

Anonymous said...

If you can only eat Greatest Generation food, then I wish you good luck with your Ovaltine, Cod Liver Oil, and SPAM.

Red Baron said...

Dear JR: I'm going to go to Google to find out where they're selling that stuff. I love that stuff. I was brought up on that stuff.

Anonymous said...

The only puzzlement is whether to be a martyr to the cause ot nt suffer pain. It you chose the latter, I personally will have Phyllis supervise your being whipped with a wet spaghetti.

Anonymous said...

since you don't want to cook, how about going to the store and buying some microwaveable breakfast bowls, or hot pockets breakfast things. then all you have to do is microwave them and eat. no mess, and no fuss,except for the fork to eat with.

and as i learned along time ago, listen to my mom, she is wiser than you are NO MATTER WHAT.