Friday, October 5, 2007

"My high-blown pride at length broke under me, and now has left me weary and old with service..." (Henry VIII)

There's a story about a journalist who went to Jerusalem to report on the religious practices there for his newspaper column. He saw an elderly Jewish man praying by the Western Wall, and noticed that he was there every day, hour after hour. Finally, curious...he approached the man and asked him what he was feeling during all this praying. "What am I feeling?" the old man responded. "I'm feeling like I'm talking to a wall!"

Well, not unlikely, I'm getting the same feeling. I feel like I'm talking to at least a fence. Therefore, I am thinking of abandoning this blogging and getting on with whatever comes to mind.


Anonymous said...

How pray tell, will I know what is happening? What will I do to while away the hours? As that golden oldie says, I've grown accustomed to your blogs. Stone walls and don't answer back and offer you jelly. Fences don't give you what fors when you deserve it. Keep on truckin.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Herb, Just because you don't get comments everyday, people are reading your blogs.

Mike Herbstman said...

I can understand your feeling. After I retired, I changed my priorities a bit. If my schedule called for me to do particular chore every day without fail, I decided to reevaluate the importance of that chore and declared that I will not be held captive. As simplistic as that sounds, it worked and I feel less uncumbered.
Signed.....Mike Herbstman

Anonymous said...

If it's become a chore, don't do it -- however, I, for one, absolutely read it everyday, and look forward to it. I have referred a few friends who I know are reading too -- Erma Bombeck meets William Shakespeare