Thursday, February 28, 2013

Those Were the Days! (and Nights, too).

Well, I'm at it again--but while I was away, I noticed that the world was passing me by; it's running away from me!  Everyone, almost everywhere is carrying phones that light up, that take pictures, that send emails or text messages using fingernails to manage the keypad, that can turn on CNN or watch a ball game like Manchester United vs. Real Madrid.  Sneakers can now be purchased for $225, especially if they are "Air Jordans".  Whatever happened to Keds selling for $3.50?  Now, there is Lady Gaga; what was wrong with Betty Boop?  Now we shop at Walmart or Target--giant stores.  What ever happened to the "Five and Ten" where you could shoplift a cheap Japanese toy with no one the wiser?
Insofar as music is concerned, you can turn on your car radio and listed to "rapp"--some bad poetry with music attached.  Personally, I prefer the old boombox you carried on your shoulder while listening to Billy Holiday singing "At Last my Love has come Along"; or Cab Calloway singing "Hi di hi di ho".   And I'm not keeping up with the computer technology downloading--or is it uploading, Facebook and Twitter.  It seems as if the whole world is now twittering and seeking "apps" (whatever they are!). 
And in the media nothing is sacrosanct anymore.  Ziva on NCIS is not even Jewish! She's Catholic from Santiago.  We now have a black President and First Lady, and Mississippi wants to secede.  Spielberg therefore made a film starring Lincoln to remind everyone about the Emancipation Proclamation.  Why not a film about Calvin Coolidge?  He was also our President.  And would you believe gas is now selling here for $4.07 a gallon!  I believe I'll retrieve my tricycle out of the attic.  I could go on, but what's the point?

1 comment: said...

Hi Baron! Cuzzin Ruth again, and it´s lovely to have you back. Sorry you´re not well again.

Funny about your (Gerund!) not liking e-enabled mobiles. I didn´t either until I got here (Lanzarote) where computer time is so expensive, you wouldn´t believe. Also GPS would help me as I´m good at getting lost...