Sunday, January 25, 2009

"How are the mighty fallen!" (II Samuel I)

One of the losses I have encountered is being able to dance. A few weeks ago I saw the movie, "Mama Mia" and then last night in the clubhouse I saw a group calling themselves "Adbacadabra" and their whole performance was music from ABBA and it was smashing! Once they started to play and sing "Dancing Queen" the urge to dance shook my whole body, and at that point I realized that I could no longer dance at affairs like Bar Mitzvahs and weddings, nor anywhere else. This hadn't occurred to me until then. I recalled my younger years--my teenage years when I danced to the music of Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey, and Vaughn Monroe. It so happens that I was the best "lindy hopper" in my club. Bernie Masef was pretty close. All of our gang could swing with the best of them. All the girls were great dancers as well, and I did win a couple of lindy hop contests. When I met my ex, Thelma, we were a great dance couple, and fortunately Rhoda is also a terrific dancer--although she was not from the lindy hop generation. She was from the "Hustle" generation, and we were some kind of hustlers when the time came for us to get on the dance floor! But the hustle and the lindy were not the only dances we could do. We also did the tango, the rumba, and the Cha Cha--among some others. But the dancing days are over, unfortunately. Aging is a time for losses. Wherever I am, if I hear dance music, whatever table I'm sitting at, I'll bang on it--in rhythm and also a bit in anger. I don't like losing.


Anonymous said...

Are you saying that Rabbi Ben Ezra was wrong? We must notify Robert Browning at once so that he will not continue to make a fool of himself.

God bless you, Norman Ross. May you continue to face whatever happens with courage and good will. The alternative is worse.

So on to 90! And if you reach 90, there may be a Fountain of Youth in your future. Don't sell medical science short even if it is barely 5 feet tall.

Anonymous said...

I remember as a kid, it was always a special treat to be able to see you and mom dance.

Anonymous said...

You were a kid?

Anonymous said...

I remember how you and mom cut a rug at my Bar Mitzvah

Anonymous said...

I don't remember the incident, Jon. But if you send me a bill I will pay for the rug.

Anonymous said...

Your last 2 sentances are classic, and classical! What a wordsmith you are.