Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"When angry count four; when very angry, swear." (Mark Twain)

Here it is, one day before Thanksgiving and only the usual mundane events are going on here that will not make too much of an interesting post. By usual, I mean chores or meetings or luncheons, or beaut;y parlor or doctors' appointments, or card games, or movies, or casinos, or...but you get the idea. Doctors' appointments occur at least two times a week--counting mine and Rhoda's. Of course, considering my advanced age, I outnumber her doctors. I have a cornucopia of MD's; a dermatologist, a urologist, an internist, a dentist, a pulmonologist, a psychiatrist, an orthopedist, a cardiologist, and a couple whose specialties I'm not too sure of. I split my doctors between private and Veterans' Medical Center. The dental and psychiatric care I get there has saved me thousands of dollars. I use the dental work to preserve what teeth I have left in my mouth, and the shrink for venting my anger. Oh, yes--my anger borders on rage. I cannot here give you a list of what angers me, there is no one around here to whom I can vent--so I make use of my shrink at the V.A. She's a female, and I think I can relate much better to a female than to a male. Don't ask me why, because I don't know the answer to that one. The anger I have doesn't reveal itself at home or in social situations. I have that under control. One of the symptoms of PTSD IS anger, and I've carried PTSD with me since 1945. Anger really helped me to write my memoirs. Although I have several factors relating to my body and my health, one of them is the hearing loss. When I don't use my hearing aids, I can barely hear anything. When I do wear them, Rhoda claims I talk too softly, and I mumble. But to me, it sounds in my head that my voice borders on shouting. So, that leaves me with a kind of Gordian Knot--if I don't wear them, I can't hear; when I do, others can't hear. That angers me. Now my problem with walking, requires that I use a cane so that I don't fall on my derriere. But I'm using it, and I feel like banging someone over the head with it. That, I believe is a manifestation of anger.
I got another call from the Sun-Sentinel asking if I wrote the blog. "liberality" and I gave permission to publish it. I hope they don't edit stuff out of it, because i like it just the way it is. Of course. I cut a lot out of the blog myself because there were too many words for it to be a letter to the editor. Now, I began this blog by writing there was nothing to write about. Tonight I'm taking Rhoda to a Chinese Restaurant, and tomorrow we are going with three other couples to Flakowitz (a deli) for our Thanksgiving Day dinner. Naturally, I would prefer a family gathering to celebrate that holiday, but in these days, that can't happen. And I'm pretty angry about that. If you write a comment to this blog, please don't say anything that will get me mad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about something that will get you ANGRY? Here it is--


And furthermore--I will solve this problem for you.

Doc said:

"She's a female, and I think I can relate much better to a female than to a male."

You are obviously a lesbian and have been one since I first met you.