I am simply amazed that today I received a comment on a blog I wrote 15 months ago on August 26, 2007 called "Bad Dog, Bad Dog" ! It was from someone named Yolinda and she wrote, "You write very well". Now, I can't think of any four words nicer than that. The point is--what was she doing reading a blog I wrote that long ago? She's way behind. How did she get to it? Did she write the comment back then and it's just getting to my blogspot now? Are there really many people out there reading my blogs whom I don't know? Well, I don't think I'll find the answers to these questions. People writing comments don't usually leave their email addresses. But wherever she may be, I thank Yolinda for the compliment.
Today is Veterans Day, but I don't feel any different from any other day. There aren't' too many people around in my building--and most everywhere else-- who have any memories about WWII. Even if they are 70 years old, they were only 7 when WWII ended and only 4 when we got into it. So, when they meet a vet from WWII, they are probably wondering what he is still doing around. It's somewhat like someone who was 70 in 1934. How much would they care about the Civil War which ended in the year they were born or about vets who fought in it? Most Civil War vets were long gone in 1934 or in their 80s and 90s and getting around with a cane or a wheelchair. I don't remember honoring Civil War vets when I was 10 in '34. November 11 was called "Armistice Day" back then and referred naturally to the end of WWI. My father earned a Purple Heart in that war and I wonder if the American Legion still puts a flag by his grave on this day.
happy Veterans Day to the Red Baron, and more importantly Happy Veterans Day to all those who have served and did not come home.
Your "Bad Dog" blog was one of your best. It even ended up in the local newspaper. Perhaps that is how Yolinda found it, since it stands out from its competition in the blogsphere. Oh, and I think you write very well.
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