I admit that when the news reported that Barack Obama would become our next President, I didn't know how to react. I just felt a great sigh of relief, for I truly felt that this marvelous man would energize this country and bring Americans of all persuasions, races, color, religions or otherwise together as they never have been in the past. We must follow the beacon of equality and freedom that the founding fathers left burning for us until our country is truly--America, the greatest democracy in the history of the world--and the world has a very long history. I did happen to read in today's newspaper that a Haitian-American woman said she should now be known as an American-Haitian. And so why not just a plain American? Obama's election has electrified the world. It has been a fortunate occurrence that, in the past, when countries are suffering from great and debilitating events that a great leader appears on the scene. Lincoln appeared, saved the Union, and signed the Emancipation Proclamation; FDR and Winston Churchill appeared in WWII to counteract the madness of Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini. Queen Elizabeth found he Admirals to defeat the Spanish Armada, and the Bible reminds us that Moses led his people out of Egypt. Now, Obama has arrived to somehow lead us out our financial morass, and the two wars we are engaged in; give us the jobs and the health care that we need, and provide us with the energy we need without dependence on foreign oil.
Obama's election has been the most important since Lincoln. I'm not claiming that Obama is a saviour, but a man smart enough--if he lasts eight years in the White House--to accomplish the things that he has promised and what we need. It will remain for many years in the future to understand the meaning of the historic election we just witnessed. I know the pundits on the TV, the newspapers, magazines, and the internet are having a marvelous time with all of these questions, but none of them will come up with the right answers until they learn what Obama is doing with his power, and now he is the most powerful man on earth. May he use this power to get this country moving in the right direction. And what is the right direction? If it happens, we'll know it.
God bless the U.S.A.
Red Baron is not sure about the meaning of Robin's comment considering her understandable political leanings. 1)Is it in the spirit of true congratulatory praise of this country for the historic election of Barack Obama? 2) Or: Is it sort of a prayer of fear for the consequences of the country's election of Barack Obama?
Primarily I wrote a comment because I wanted to let you know that I was indeed reading your prose.
Even though we disagree on many of the important political issues of the day, we can agree on the fact that this is a great country. We had a relatively peaceful campaign from two very different men and ideologies; we had people from all walks of life, many of whom never cared much about what went on in Washington, voting for the first time; and we had no riots in the streets following the election.
For those things and for the futures of our family and friends, I say God bless the U.S.A.
The Baron disagrees that disagreement exists on "many" of the political issues of the day because theseissues,unfortunately, are rarely or never discussed so they can't be numbered. But for the remainder of your comments, Baron says Amen!
For those who had hinted during the election campaign that Obama's support for Israel and Jewish causes is suspect, I point to his selection of Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff, which is considered one of the most powerful political positions in government. Emanuel's father was born in Jerusalem and fought for the Jewish underground, and Rahm himself served during the 1st Iraq War... for the Israel Defense Forces! He attended Jewish day school, and he and his family belong to a Chicago-area Orthodox synagogue. First indications are that Obama is not going to have a problem supporting Israel or Jewish causes. What else did his detractors get wrong?
Baron, we do not agree politically, and while "i voted for the other guy". Senator Obama won the election and he is the next president of this great country. As a veteran, I was sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and follow the orders of the Commander in Chief. I will support President Elect Obama, and I Hope he governs wisely and the next 4 years are prosperous and successful ones.
This has been and has the ability to be The greatest nation on the face of the earth. I am very glad and feel very fortunate to have been able to witness this historic election, and even prouder that Baron was able to witness it also.
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