I'm sorry; I just had to sit down and write this blog. It will be mostly if not all about Sarah Palin. First, what's so bad about her? She has my mother's first name, so that's a good start. The media has been very mean. So what if she can see Russia from her house? How many people can say that? All I can see from my house is a parking lot in front and an excuse for a lake in the back. And, what's so bad about being a hockey mom? How many kids do you know who play hockey? So that makes her kind of special, though somewhat chilly. It's not a far step from hockey to hooky, and she is not a hooky mom except, perhaps, when she's not around the rink... And why such a todo about her 17 year old daughter being pregnant? After all the girl does have some hormones and a horny boyfriend; what else does it take? How many people can say that they have a 17 year old daughter who is pregnant? That makes Sarah special. Sarah's daughter is going to have that baby, but many of the others will exercise their right to choose. This will no doubt upset Sarah. Roe vs. Wade gave them that right and Sarah, if elected, will try her very best to dump RvW to please her supporters. She never met Roe, and neither did she meet Wade. However, she does her homework and she now knows why R was versus W. She certainly wants all women to have their babies; the more the merrier, and especially if they become Republicans and taxpayers. And, not to be outdone by her opponent Joe Biden (not plumber Joe), she has studied foreign policy every night on her computer by googling foreign recipes. She has learned how to cook pasta and meat sauce; how to make blintzes and potato latkes and kugel; how to bake German pancakes and French crullers; Polish sausage and Shrimp in Lobster sauce. What better ways to influence foreign policy than to converse with the wives of Prime Ministers and Dictators about her knowledge of edibles? What about that Katie Couric? What say you now Tina Fey? Sarah Palin is a blessing in disguise, and her disguise is just in time for Halloween! Damn! That McBrain is clever. He knows how to entertain the American people. And, oh yes; Sarah does have a health plan for the middle class. It's obvious. She has gone to CVS and purchased several cartons of various sized band aids. So, you can see how hard she's been working to prepare herself for the presidency in the event the GOP nominee gets elected and then dies in office. OK, now, friends...give Sarah a break. After all, she does have a nice body. I did have my tongue in my cheek while writing this. But now, for some reason, it's stuck there. I should know better than to write drivel, but the Lord called upon me.
Friday, October 24, 2008
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Doctor Ross, I will probably regret this post but, keeping my mouth shut is one quality I never mastered. You occupy a special place in my life because as a teacher in 1958-1960 while I was at North Shore, you represented a person who tolerated no talk without substance. Glib, irresponsible comments were challenged and you insisted people back up what they say. Sarcasm and smugness is often for intimidation and we are, or at least most of us, intimidated by our high-handed media. Aren't you and the rest of the world paying attention? Don't you all see that while we fight amongst ourselves our politicians and financial community has perpetrated the greatest fraud and hoax in world history? The entire system, in this country and the world, is in crisis. And not because of any natural or cyclical phenomenon. We are in crisis because of corruption, greed, and incompetence and mismanagement. Many of us have lost half or more of our savings and our futures as well as the futures of our children are in danger. This is precisely what our government is supposed to be watching. But they were too busy running for reelection and accepting bribes in the form of campaign contributions to do what they were elected/hired to do. And the financial community, Harvard and Wharton MBA's and the like? What kind of schools turn out people who manipualte and exploit a system that holds the trust, sweat and future of America's and the world's children? I am appalled that no one seems to understand that we can so easily be turned against each other on petty, yes relatively petty issues, while Rome (our financial viabililty) burns. The real enemy is terrorism but it's the terrorism within. Not the Palestinian family who raises a suicide bomber but the American family who raises self-absorbed children with nothing but material values. And our schools, not madrassas, that fail to inculcate personal responsibity, integrity, self-discipline, and human and community values in conjunction with families. That's where our terror comes from. Who was it a long time ago in a comic strip? Was it Pogo who said "I have met the enemy and it is me."? Sorry for the rant but I am freighened. We are our own worst enemy and I fear all our politicans because they seem to only care about getting elected. I don't mind a Sarah Palin beleiving abortion is wrong. I like diversity even when I disagree with it because I don't think RVWADE will ever be overturned just like prohibition will never return. We tried it, it failed and we need to better deal with how to educated people to both drink and screw more responsibly. My problem with discourse today, political and otherwise, is that it is emotional, polemic, personal, and everything that you taught us was wrong. People can have a difference of opinion as long as it is backed up. When we belittle we be little...and often miss the point. We need outrage as a community that demands integrity and transparency. We need better checks and balances and a public that hold the media (journalists ha) and elected officials accountable as well as laws that hold business people responsible. But most of all we need values in this society that human beings matter, fairness is based on merit and effort, and the Golden Rule. I am so happy to have you back and wish you continued both spiritual and physical recovery. Bob Fox
Dear friend and student, Robert. From your comment on yesterday’s blog, you were intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally affected—and that’s good. Your comment could serve as a very fine blog of your own, but with an entirely different purpose from mine and equally as valid. Baron’s blog was written in a tradition that goes as far back as the Roman Juvenal and as recently as the English satirists, Daniel Defoe, Alexander Pope, John Dryden and especially Jonathan Swift; Moliere in France, and in our own literature, Mark Twain. There is nothing in my blog that equals the sarcasm in Swift’s “Modest Proposal” in which he suggests that the impoverished in Ireland might relieve their financial burdens by selling their children to the rich people for food. “I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled ...” The piece on Sarah Palin was meant to be political satire, not just a plain old everyday blog. But nowhere do I suggest that Sarah would be a fine dish! Satire is often strictly defined as a literary genre; although, in practice, it is also found in the graphic and performing arts. Satirical writing and cartoons can be discovered in almost every American presidential election. In satire, human vices, follies, abuses, or shortcomings are held up to censure by means of ridicule, derision, burlesque, irony, or other methods, ideally with the intent to bring about improvement. Although satire is usually meant to be funny, its purpose is not primarily humor in itself so much as an attack on something of which the author strongly disapproves, using the weapons of sarcasm and wit. Thus, because I strongly disapprove of John McCain’s choice of a running mate, the blog on Mrs. Palin was not meant to be a frothy or frivolous piece of writing. It was meant to be as sarcastic as I could make it—without being vicious. Now, I’m sure Mrs. Palin is a very good person, a fine human being, a good mom, and I would be happy to share an evening dining with her—but politically, I’m not enchanted.
Where is the nearest restaurant that will serve that delicious one year old child? Do they have early birds?
Mike Herbstman
First, the Baron says "I'm sorry; I just had to sit down and write this blog." Then Robert says "I will probably regret this post..." Why all the apologies for discourse and for that course? And speaking of courses... Baron, when you say that Palin "does have a nice body," you certainly are suggesting that she is quite a dish.
Joel's comment -- now THAT was funny.
I was never one to appreciate sarcasm or lampooning. One must be very clever and very careful not to risk being crass and unkind.
On the other hand, I admit that some of the humor at the feet of the political candidates might help keep us sane during this time of insanity.
Dear Common Tators: If you read Baron's blog once more with care, nowhere will you find that he has been unkind, vicious, crass, or cranky regarding Mrs. Palin. In fact he is very forthcoming with compliments about her preparation for the presidency. He even says that she does her homework, which might be more than you can say about her daughter. But not one compliment from anyone about Baron's humorous, witty, kindly, and finely written political satire
worthy for publication at least in the Peeksville Post's op ed page.
Hi Doctor Ross,
My grandfather served with you in World War II and I found he made an appearance in your new book. I will pick up a copy soon. Although my grandfather passed away a number of years ago, I remember him fondly. He never much liked to talk about the war though, so the few pages I was able to read was a lot more than I knew before. Glad to see you have started a blog, and unlike most blogs, still update it regularly.
Cheers, John Shekitka
Dear John Shekitka: Indeed I did serve with your grandfather in WWII and he was a great shipmate, with a wonderful sense of humor. I loved him as a brother. Now I would like to get in touch with you, and I'd appreciate an email from you with your address to norrho1@comcast.net. The only other person still alive from our crew is Harold Mack from So. Carolina. I'm curious about how you read a part of my book and how you discovered my blogs. I'd be happy to send you a copy of the book. Your grandfather called me "Rosie".
Hi to you, Bobby Fox. From what I have heard, you have grown not only intellectually but also vertically. Congratulations!
If The Baron wants to write satire, he is certainly entitled to do so.
Good satire is among the most difficult of all literary forms and is not always appreciated. In fairness, what is?
Those who do not appreciate this one are free to read inferior authors such as Jonathan Swift.
Nevertheless, Robert, you did make some good points although if you are a student of history you know that the world has ever been thus.
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
According to Mark Van Doren, in that context, "underling" meant inadequate.
In my opinion, the highest purpose of law is to establish an order where people can be safe, feel safe, but not fail safe. To my knowledge, this has seldom, if ever, been done.
Too often, to protect the rights of the guilty, the innocent must suffer.
That vermin Bill Ayers and his terrorist mate, Bernadine Dohrn, escaped punishment on technical grounds.
Not only were they sinfully guilty, but they felt that they had not done enough bombing and killing. 'course, bombing and killing was o.k. because they were doing it to stop bombing and killing. Duh!
In my lifetime, the only period when the nation was united in common cause was WW2. It was the seminal experience of Doc's life, when he proved his noble, heroic qualities.
He then went on to greater glory, including, but not limited to, teaching Bobby Fox to become taller than any mere mortal would believe possible.
The world is what it is. We must try to make it better but even if we can't, we can still cultivate our gardens.
If comments keep coming for this blog, then "Pater Noster in Condoland Vol. IV" will only have one blog.
Dear Phil, thanks for remembering me. My wife and children cannot believe how small I was. Thank goodness I saved my Viking yearbooks! The only trouble is I am standing next to Ron Birchall and Lou Pataro and I am only a head shorter than they were. I have trouble convincing them that Ron was about 5'8 and Lou maybe 5'7. Oh well, you'll be happy (?) to know I reached 5'10 and my two sons are 6'1 (he's 35) and my young son is a senior in high school and expect will be around 5'10 (he's 5'7 now). Keep rattling Norman's cage, he's a brilliant man but idealogical lefties sometimes let their dreams interfere with reality. Bob
P.S. my email is rmmdfox@optonline.net - I'd love to hear from you.
Bob, I will contact you asap. Right now, my time, almost 24/7, is spent trying to help John McCain win in what seems to be a hopeless cause. Nevertheless, nihil desperandum. We will fight the good fight for the USA and have no regrets.
Best also to young John Fox who scored more than one key basket and one key goal for unbeaten basketball and soccer teams.
Speaking of basketball, do you remember when we were routing Oyster Bay at home and Sam Schiffer put you into the game?
The OB coach was Moe Chefec whom I had played against back in the day. He jumped up to protest Sam putting a "manager" on the floor to humiliate him, and threatened to take his team off the court in protest.
I assured Moe that you were a real player. Because my word has always been good, he sat down.
Within a minute you sank a 20 footer and Moe put his head in his hands and continued to suffer.
The Foxes were always deadly shots. The Wolf (Stanley) not at all.
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