Well, wouldn't you know it? RH+ came home from the beauty parlor with a "hissy fit" (cf.previous blog). It seems she went to get her hair cut shorter for the summer and the beautician put something in her hair without asking her and her hair came out almost brown instead of the pretty blonde that she is. Well, to say she's upset, is to say the least...I don't even want to contemplate what "the most" might be. But, she will get back to this shop and get her hair done the way she likes it without charge. But, as usual, to use a euphemism... stuff happens
On another subject, I'm getting mighty tired of reading the newspaper or the news on the internet with columnists or just plain reporters or even letter writers citing that this or that candidate "flip-flopped" on one issue or another. What is wrong with changing one's mind about something given enough information to justify it? I especially pay attention to McCain's or Obama's statements that don't square with what they've previously claimed. Obviously
, you would expect them to say why their views have shifted in one direction or another. The media's complaints about "flip-flopping" make it sound as though Henny Penny's sky is falling. From now on a voter with some intelligence...and even without it, ought to pay close attention to what they read or what they watch. Particularly important, is to recognize whether or not the information is racist as it pertains to Barack Obama. If his middle name of Hussein is used, you can be certain that it is designed to frighten the voter into thinking "Muslim". Obama is Christian...an American Christian.

Insofar as John McCain is concerned, here is my current view: He is 71 years old and on his way to 75. Right now we don't know whom he is going to select as his vice president who may or may not be a person we'd wan
t in the White House in the event McCain dies. Another very personal view of McCain that I have is that I know he spent several years in captivity by the Viet Cong who were not known for their forgiving natures. This experience does not go by with the years, as I am well aware from my own experiences. I am certain that John McCain suffers many nights with scorpions inside his head. These two facts alone, age and PTSD would make his tenure as President very fragile, indeed. Of course, I could flip-flop on this. Nah. Don't think so.

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