I've already scheduled some shore excursions in Scandinavia and Russia. It was very difficult to find excursions that did not require a lot of walking. I'll have the scooter, but don't know what kind of vehicles will be able to store it. I have no clue as to facilities on these excursions that can accommodate a scooter. But we shall see. Most of the tours are for sightseeing--and they are expensive, especially the tours in St. Petersburg. If you want to schedule a tour that's not connected with the ship, then you have to have a visa in St. Pete. Getting a visa is a real hassle and it's not cheap. So we don't have much choice. No visas for us. Fortunately, all our transportation is taken care of. Robin was gracious enough to arrange our transportation round trip from our place to the ship in Miami as an anniversary "present". I love that gal. As a matter of fact, I love all the gals in the family and that includes Barbara, Sabrina, Hannah, and Katrina.
I keep getting e-mails critical of Obama's stance on Israel. I don't believe any of the reasons given in these documents. I believe any American president is going to support Israel. And I believe Obama when he responds to these concerns. He will be a staunch supporter of Israel, no doubt in my mind about it. When these people go to the polls, I hope their first concern is what's best for America and who's best for America.
Obama does not have a dream, but he does have A SCHEME. If he were white, he would not be in the ball game; therefore, it is racist to support him.
91% of all black primary voters cast their ballots for Barak Hussein Obama. Can you imagine what people would say if 91% voted for Hillary.
At least John McCain joined with a real liberal, Russell Feingold, to help create a law that inhibits big money contributions.
For this, Mc Cain has been attacked by his conservative base while under appreciated by the phony knee jerk liberals.
Wake up, America; do not elect the Manchurian candidate. PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Phil is my life friend, and he is far brighter than I am,and I respect his right to express his views, but I have the same right and I totally disagree with him on this issue. I will vote for Obama--or Hillary as the case may be.
NR is too generous. He is brighter than anyone BUT is a self-confessed knee-jerk liberal and a Freedom Rider when it was dangerous to be one.
Barak Hussein Obama is no Martin Luther King nor is the Rev. Wright and certainly not Mafia Rezko.
We can agree to disagree and to hope that the best man is elected which, in my opinion, would be Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Again, in my opinion, Barak Hussein Obama, the MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, would be the worst possible choice for our national welfare.
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