Saturday, March 29, 2008

"Look, he's winding up the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike." (The Tempest)

I wonder sometimes if we have ever gotten out of the Stone Age. So many people have brains that are made of stone. There is no way of cracking them as one might a coconut. There is virtually no way of having an intelligent conversation with them on any subject--particularly if it comes down to Hillary and Obama. Of course, those of you who have computers (a godsend for me) must have gotten e-mails from the stoneheads with scurrilous, vicious, racist, and stupidest comments--particularly on Obama. Now, I don't mind people having opinions about either of these candidates or the Republican choice as long as their opinions are based less on race and gender than they are on the candidate's qualities. Obama's recent speech was, in my opinion, Lincolnesque, both in what was said and how it was said. I don't doubt that any one of these three would make a good president, but I imagine that Obama will make a truly great president. It was Albert Einstein who said imagination was greater then knowledge. He also said something that will apply most appropriately to Obama---"Great spirits have always found violent oppositions from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence"

I got an email from my publisher, LULU, yesterday that they have shipped a proof copy of my new book, "PATER NOSTER in CONDOLAND." Once I have looked it over and find that it is fit for sale, I will get an ISBN number and have it distributed to online booksellers. I'll also get a couple more copies to keep on my shelf. If anyone wants to read it, they'll have to buy it...I just can't afford to buy a book for everyone I'd like to have it.

Today, Rhoda went on a 3 1/2 mile walkathon to raise money for the fight against cancer and other diseases. I don't believe she has ever walked that far before, so I'm very proud of her. Right now she's taking a nap because she was up and out very early this morning. As for myself I am doing nothing today. It's not very easy doing nothing; in fact at times it's much harder than doing something. You walk around the house thinking what needs to be done, like making the bed, or emptying the dishwasher, or taking out the garbage, or checking out your golf clubs to see if you have two sets for the sons, or playing computer games, or writing a blog. You then decide that you don't feel like doing any of those things so instead you go to the fridge for a piece of Dove's chocolate, sit down and read the newspaper to relieve your depression for not having made a decision on what to do.

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