Friday, February 29, 2008

"$$$" (How's that for a short title, Mike?"

Perhaps someone out there is brilliant enough to tell me what all this "rebate" stuff is about? Am I going to get more money from this debacled government? How much? Will it cover the cost of Rhoda's new car or maybe even a tank of gas? I have already received the refund due me from my 2007 tax return. It didn't even cost me 41 cents since it was filed electronically. I got it a week after it was sent in...if you can believe that...and you can. But I have no clue as to what the rebate talk is all about. If Bush is giving me the money, I'm going to send it back.

Yesterday, we went to our bank's drive-in window and handed the teller two checks to be deposited amounting to $300. Rhoda also gave her 4 $100 bills and asked her to break them down into smaller currency. However, she didn't count the bills till later that evening and found that she only had $300. We are now waiting for a call from the bank to see if they were able to track that $100 down. Rho feels very "aggravated" by that since she always counts her money before leaving the bank. But I told her not to worry about it; if the bank fails to pony up the money, she should make herself out a $100 check from the $1200 we were going to pay the orthopedist who sent us a bill for services in 2006 but whose secretery told us to "forget about it." See yesterday's blog for the full story of that one.

1 comment:

Mike Herbstman said...

This is a test. The Red Baron and I are discussing my claim that the first line in the first comment of any blog is covered by part of the title. At least it had happened in the last blog where the title was "I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people" (Macbeth)
Mike Herbstman