Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"By medicine, life may be prolonged..." (Cymbeline)

Well, now there is only an hour left before i become four score four and a day. My birthday was mostly uneventful, except for one extra-ordinary item; namely involving a bill I received from Dr. Rennella who used a new procedure for curing my back pain. I started with him in 2006 and went to him for treatments several times that year. Never got a bill until yesterday; $1200+! Rhoda, who keeps very strict medical records said that we got paid from Medicare and our Health Insurance and that we owed him that money. I called his office today to see if they would accept a credit card for payment instead of a check. When a girl answered I said I was the Red Baron (sic) and that I just got a bill for services rendered two years ago. She said, "OH MY! LET ME CHECK INTO THAT!" After a minute or so she came back and said "Red Baron, sir (sic), it's my mistake. Just forget about the bill." OK. So I got a $1200+ present for my birthday. I also got a fistful of snail mail birthday cards and a few e-cards...and several telephone messages. I even got cards from three grandkids...the fourth grandkid is in Navy boot camp, so she probably has no inkling about her grandfather's 84th. Well the dissed medical bill present was the only one I got. After opening the birthday cards in the mail and looking for gift cards to expensive department stores, or a free cruise, alas none was forthcoming...not even scratch-offs. I guess we're in a recession.
This evening we went to dinner with Mike and Helen H. at Longhorn's, a restaurant we enjoy. I had a Porterhouse steak with fries. While there, Mike and Rhoda admonished me for writing titles to my blog that were too long because they blocked out the first comment that anyone wrote. So now I have to make sure that my titles are only one or two lines. No one would want their comment blocked; that's for sure. It's their 30 seconds of fame. I also received an e-mail from Ray Maccagli, a good friend of mine who was the school psychologist--and yes he was crazy. He read my book and said he loved it! That was birthday present enough for me.


homeoftheredbaron said...

This is Baron's test comment to see if any of it is blocked by the title to the blog.

Anonymous said...

My, I noticed the block thingy but didn't realize it was the length of the title. Attention to detail ... that's great. Cards from the grandkids -- boy that's pretty special. Aren't they great? See you soon .

Anonymous said...

It looks like all the news media and major candidates have been reading your blog too, since a major question during the Democratic debate was Obama's attitude toward Israel, Farrakkan, etc. Why don't you next write about free chocolate for everyone!

Anonymous said...

Baron says you must identify the kind of chocolate you want for free..such as milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, chocolate with filling, Godiva chocolate or whatever. Baron also says Obama will be elected and become one of our greatest presidents. Count on it.