Sunday, November 18, 2007

"He has eaten me out of house and home; he hath put all my substance into that fat belly of his" (2 Henry IV)

Today my poetry book, SHADOWS in the SUNSET appears on sale on many online book stores including Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, Borders & many others that can be found at the following link...if it works. Otherwise one can just go to B&N online and type in the title--or copy and paste it on your browser window. So now I'm a two-time famous unknown author. I can't wait for the royalties to come flooding in.
I'm going to need an ocean full of royalties (to mix a metaphor) because it's becoming very expensive to dine at home or out. Rho just gave me a bill for groceries of $67. Wednesday we went to Sweet Tomatoes with the Herbstmans for $20; Thursday we went with the Bergers to Quarterdeck for $38; Friday to Flakowitz for $35 with the Strumlaufs; and yesterday with the Horowitzes for $71; and tonite--besides that grocery bill, we are dining with the Zions at a Cuban cafe. So I figure for the last five days, it will have cost me $50 a day to stuff my mouth. And I'm supposed to lose weight? Fat chance! (No pun intended). It's nice to have friends...but give me a break.
Now for the holidays. Of course for Thanksgiving we are going to Maggiano's, an Italian restaurant with the Zions. That seems to be a tradition since we've gone out with them for several Thanksgivings. Of course, even though Maggiano's is Italian, they will have Turkey on the menu. I still might pass on that for some shrimp oregano. Following that, a couple of weeks later we are going on a cruise where the food is elegant and the desserts mountainous. And then, of course, there's New Year's Eve when we are planning to join the Strumlaufs at The Isle Casino, where not only we may lose our money gambling, but also there's that buffet which presents a cornucopia of food from all nations.
Ho hum. Felice Thanksgiving!

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