Monday, November 5, 2007

"...good words are better than bad strokes" (Julius Caesar)

Yesterday was a big bust as far as winning is concerned on the ISLE CASINO's slot machines. I lost this time because I couldn't find a machine that I could bond with--one whose vibes were in tune with my own. However, the day was saved when we tried out the Deli in the Casino. When I walked in I saw this chocolate checkerboard cake which I used to devour by the pound when I was a teenager in the Bronx. Of course, I don't mean that particular checkerboard cake. But I couldn't wait to get a slice, so I ordered something simple like an entree of cheese blintzes and a diet coke. Finally, we got to the dessert part of the meal and I ordered a cup of high test coffee and a slice of that cake. I got to eat most of it, but Rhoda decided she wanted in on it, so she forked it in as well as I. When we got back to Delray, we finished the evening with a sparkling, lengthy game of Canasta. The guys won after a 3 hour stirring struggle.
When I checked my email after getting back to the apartment, I found one from Mike H. who claimed that one of his best features was that he was "sciolistic". Now I don't have a clue as to where and how Mike H. picked up this word, but I'll confess the word, "sciolist" is new to me and does not appear in my Webster's paper bound dictionary. So, I just went on to Google, typed the word and discovered what it meant. You might do the same. I answered Mike H. that I thought he was certainly not "sciolistic", that being such, as he claimed, his "attainment in life" and his "best feature"---he was not quite qualified to handle even that much sciolism!! Of course, this doesn't make Mike H. a bad person--I love him like a brother.
I believe "the Season" is upon us now; the snowbirds are back, the traffic is getting heavier, the restaurants and theaters are getting more crowded, and people are getting nastier. Unfortunately, what I look forward to all summer is getting to play golf with friends returning from the global warmed north, but when they call to ask when I can play, I must tell them that I can no longer play that game owing to painful conditions in my legs when I try to walk a short way. I was once a 7 handicap golfer--my proudest day was on March 25, 1989 when I played at the Glen Eagles Country Club. I played the front nine in one under par 36 parring every hole and birdieing one, and played the back nine with a 41 for a 77. Anybody wanna buy a set of Cobra senior flexed irons? Or my book, instead?


Anonymous said...

Your sons have assumed that your golf clubs and related equipment, collected over the years like fine wine, would be handed down as family heirlooms. I don't believe Bobby has any clubs, and mine are from the period when metal shafts first began to replace the wooden ones.

Anonymous said...

Joel: I still have some that predate yours. If you want, I have both mens and womens that are from about 1980. They can be yours for the asking.

Anonymous said...

Red Baron says that he has tons of clubs for your inheritance. But you will need a plane larger than your sister's to transport them. And they are top o'the line fine instruments. Oh, yes--by the way--his golf balls, tees, shoes, golf bags, and gloves are for sale.