Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"To you your father should be as a God." (Midsummer Night's Dream)


I believe that your self-analysis of your interaction in a group greatly differs from the impression some others have of you. Speaking for myself (although quite a few others have agreed with me when the topic has arisen), I feel that rather than listening carefully and silently to the conversation around you, you generally "take over" the discussion, and often move it to focus on your own experience -- you thus become the center of attention. Perhaps this only happens when you are around family or close friends. I don't say this as a criticism in any way, just an observation that differs from your own observation. That said, I do agree that you are not garrulous at all.
Well, he's probably right. But in my own defense, it would be difficult to "take over" a conversation if I were not "listening carefully". And I don't think I meant to imply that I couldn't avidly participate in a social gathering in a home or restaurant or wherever with family and long time friends with whom I feel perfectly comfortable. What I wrote was that I've always had difficulty making friends in the first place--and that cannot be denied because that has been my experience. And if I do tend to take over any conversation it would be because of my interest--without meaning to take it over. If that happens, then why doesn't someone else in the group--whoever they are--interrupt me and tell me to bug off? Huh? I asked Rhoda to read JRs comment and she said she agrees with him. Is there anyone out there who will come to my rescue?
Aha..."Anonymous" and "Robert" have commented on the comment:
I will step up to the plate, if you will pick up the next check on our dinners out. Our eclectic conversations are well balanced with cogent remarks from each. I find it quite ludicrous to have read this accusation, since, in my opinion, I find you too shy to bear that guilt.
I haven't seen or spoken with you in person for almost 50 years. If that doesn't qualify me as an expert I can't imagine what would. Expressing one's innermost feelings is just that. That is how you feel and what others perceive is another issue entirely. The sensitivity to one's own vulnerability and risk of being ignored or rendered insignificant is monstrous. I know, I walk around with it every day. And if I ever told that to my family, friends or students they would laugh. But I think I understand and a blog, if nothing else, is free expression of how one feels and that's the way Doc feels.
I appreciate readers who take the time to respond to my daily musings. I do know who "Anonymous" is and the only Robert I know is one of my favorite all-time students and a super-athlete and a better person doesn't exist. I do not know any other Robert who would call me "Doc". Thanks Flash.
Incidentally, I "publish" every comment that comes in, no matter what is written, so I look for the comment after each blog and if it's not there, I just put it there. (And, Flash, please send me your current address so I can send you a copy of my book. ) TTYL


Anonymous said...

I will step up to the plate, if you will pick up the next check on our dinners out.
Our eclectic conversations are well balanced with cogent remarks from each. I find it quite ludicrous to have read this accusation, since, in my opinion, I find you too shy to bear that guilt.
Mike Herbstman

Anonymous said...

"...why doesn't someone else in the group -- whoever they are -- interrupt me and tell me to bug off? Huh?"
Oh, boy, I'll let someone else answer that question!

Anonymous said...

"I find it quite ludicrous to have read this accusation..."
Anonymous/Mike: I don't think it's ludicrous at all that you read the "accusation". After all, it's there for all to see. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen or spoken with you in person for almost 50 years. If that doesn't qualify me as an expert I can't imagine what would. Expressing one's innermost feelings is just that. That is how you feel and what others perceive is another issue entirely. The sensitivity to one's own vulnerability and risk of being ignored or rendered insignificant is monstrous. I know, I walk around with it every day. And if I ever told that to my family, friends or students they would laugh. But I think I understand and a blog, if nothing else, is free expression of how one feels and that's the way Doc feels.

Mike Herbstman said...

Hey, Let's be fair. Commenting on my use of English? I've been in this country a long distance and intend staying another mile.