Sunday, September 23, 2007

Today's the First Day of Autumn, Thank God!-

Well, here it is, the day after Yom Kippur and I have as yet to be struck by lightning. I didn't go to Temple yesterday, but Rhoda did and I imagine she did pray for me. As I said, I stayed home to guard our belongings against flood or wild dogs. I did, however, fast (except for some grapes and one Mallomar which do not count as real food). I did get a Comment from God however, which you can check on yesterday's blog. It went like this: No Blog today? I hope that you fasted today.Signed...God. Well, that really spooked me, so I sent Mike "Can I have another portion?" Herbstman, my friend the ham; I mean the HAM radio operator an email asking if he could send God a Morse Code message. It went like this: "Dearest God: It's true I didn't write a blog yesterday, and I didn't go to Shul, but I did fast, so give me a break and cut me some slack". Signed: Baron

So much for the religious and spiritual portion of this blog. Last night we went downstairs to the Billy & Bev Bergers and found our other neighbors Lou and Annette Strumlauf there also. It was a "break fast" which we were kindly invited to. I got there about 5:45 and about 6:15 we all sat down to dine. Of course, Rho wasn't there because she went back for evening services until the shofar rung out ... or blared out (I don't think shofars "ring"). However, she did show up at 6:40 and gobbled up at least one of each thing around the table. That included, baked salmon, nova lox, white fish and chopped herring salad, home made kugel, bagels and bialies, sour cream, cream cheese and after dinner apple pie, tea and coffee. I'm still not hungry.

Today, I drove Rhoda to Babies R' Us in Boca and it was truly an experience. The store was about the size of three football fields. The baby in question is my cousin Gary's new granddaughter born here in Boca to her mother, Michelle, who's an opera singer. Anyway this store was extremely intimidating inasmuch there were zillions of mothers and kids and babies a day or so old toddling up and down all the isles. Many of the babies probably didn't like what was being bought for them for their screams could be heard over the internet. You wouldn't want any one of them sitting behind you in a two hour airplane flight; primarily because crying babies and barking dogs never shut up unless you shove a pacifier or a bone into their mouth. Rho went there to pick up a gift which she said was on Michelle's "Registry". Only when we finally were able to track the item down the cost was $12 more than advertised on the internet. So, we settled for a couple of other things which I won't mention because the baby might be privy to this blog.

So, enough about yesterday and today. Tomorrow is the BIG day; Rho will be inducted as President of the Huntington Lakes Chapter of City of Hope. She was elected President without even a Primary being held; that's an indication of her popularity. I suppose during her tenure and administration I will be functioning as the First Gentleman greeting dignitaries, ambassadors from other chapters, media people, and members with walkers. I imagine one of my duties will be to write the State of the City speech next autumn. Well, today is the first of autumn and tomorrow we kick it off in style.

P.S. If you click on "MY LULU STORE" you will see a beautiful new avatar used as my "theme". It contains a myriad of WWII images as well as a "ribbon" representation of the DFC.


Anonymous said...

Only strawberry Mallomars do not count as food.

Red Baron said...

Oh, yeah? Who made you a Mallomar Mavin? You probably won't even spring for the $4.19 a box!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for speeking out against the noisy babies...I think they should all be quiet! Old people are the only ones who should be allowed to be noisy!