Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Something is wrong here, I believe. I recently received a letter from AllState Ins. Co. that they are dropping my condo insurance policy. But I'm not the only one in this building who has received such a letter. I really don't understand how an insurance company can drop you if you have paid your premium for many years, and as a result of a hurricane, you had a small claim for damages which amount was only an iota of what you paid out in premiums. Where is the protection from such a procedure that my government should have monitored? My minimal understanding still believes that my taxes should be used to have a job for someone to wake up my legislators and representatives while they're asleep in the legisative chairs. How about a law that bars an insurance company from dropping a policy holder if the policy has been in force for five years? Or at least some protection from such unholy practices? But, no. The insurance companies share the same bed with politicians.

Anyway I have been in touch with Homewise Ins. Co., State Farm, and Universal Property and Casual Ins. Co., and Citizen to replace the AllState policy which expires on October 23. I don't have a clue about the stability of any of these companies, so I'll take the one with the cheapest premiums, and hope that the next hurricane doesn't give them an excuse to drop me while the Governor turns his back.

Well, yesterday I sent a revision of my book of poems called ADDENDA to Lulu, the publisher. It's called ADDENDA II (second ed.). It has all the same poetry, except that the book and its pages were worked on, revised, and designed by my son, Joel and my daughter-in-law, Barbara. Visually it's in black and white, instead of color; but the advantage is that it will cost a customer only $5.53 instead of $12! So if you care to have it, just click on the word, LULU, to the right of this blog and it will take you to my store. You can even read the first few poems given as a preview. Also, if you cannot afford the cost of my memoirs, you can download it to your computer for nothing. If you want to see the preview, just click on the title.

Now for my lunch--peanut butter and jelly? Or two Mallomars?


Anonymous said...

Our home insurance company also tried to cancel us, because we made three claims over a period of 15 years -- and two of those claims were paid in full by others' insurance! They finally agreed to keep us after we agreed to raise the deductible. Then GEICO) dropped us because we had 5 tickets (among four drivers) over a period of 5 years. I want to feed the GEICO gekko to those stupid GEICO cavemen, who apparently will eat anything you give them.

Red Baron said...

Yes, they should drink up eisel, those gorbellied,clay-brained,canker-blossoms!

Anonymous said...

I have been informed by my insurance co. that they intend to cancel the insurance on my rental property in Tallahassee. I have insured just about ALL my homes and ALL my cars with this company since I joined the military in 1975. Rich and I made one claim circa 1978. I have never made a claim in Florida on my residence or my rental property. The reason they gave me was simply the insurance environment in Florida (everyone else's claims I suppose). So they don't even need a reason. I understand part of the reason is that the insurance companies were raising rates because of the hurricanes in Florida, and then the FL legislature put a cap on the rates -- so now the insurance companies are just cancelling policies. A friend of mine (who spent his life running an insurance company) has no mortgage on his home, so he doesn't have to have insurance. And he doesn't. I don't know how comfortable I'd feel in hurricane country without insurance, but it sure gives one pause.