Friday, September 7, 2007


I was very blissfully asleep about 9:30 a.m. when the phone rang only once, thanks to Rhoda picking it up immediately. So, I just drifted back to sleep when the phone rang once again, and she thankfully picked it up. So, I once more drifted back to sleep. Then it rang again...once, twice, three times...if I didn't pick it up the message machine would grab it. I wondered if Rhoda had fallen down and couldn't get up. Nine times out of ten, the call is for her, but now I wondered if it were for me from someone who read my book and wanted to tell me they couldn't put it down. It would be nice to hear some reactions from anyone...I mean ANYONE. Or maybe it was from someone offering me a job or a part in a show that I would delight in turning down. But no, it was for Rhoda. Now, I had to get out of bed to pick Rhoda up from the floor. Well, when I got to the den, she was playing solitaire on the computer. I said, "Didn't you hear the phone ring?" somewhat indignantly. Turns out she went down to the parking lot to speak to some City of Hope members about something or other. So, I dolefully turned away, went into the kitchen, swallowed a dozen or so pills, and picked up the sports page. Thankfully, the Marlins didn't lose for a change. Fact is, they didn't play.

Since, I have no idea what to eat for breakfast, I'm skipping it. I'm tired of Eggos. I don't eat cereal because of bad childhood experiences with it. I don't have a waffle maker, and making matzoh brei is too troublesome. Maybe I'll have a cup of coffee and an Oreo. Today's the day that Rhoda will be seeing her eye doctor to make arrangements for removing a cataract from her right eye. Her vision is deteriorating. It's very scary for her, because when she had cataract surgery on her left eye, all hell broke loose so to speak, because now she can only read large print books. The vision in her left eye is negligible. We certainly do not want a repeat of that on her other eye, but there is no option. The cataract must be removed. So, a date for this procedure has to be set. We'll be seeing the doctor at 2p.m. for that purpose.

In order to get reviews of my poetry, I've signed up at There you can submit as many poems as you like and get them reviewed by other poets; but at the same time, you have to review some poems yourself. Besides verbal reviews and comments, poems are "rated" movies or hotels...I've submitted 11 poems and each has gotten *****. Besides being a famous unknown author, I'm now a famous unknown poet. Que sera, sera.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey -- I've commented on your book! I love it and I treasure it!