Tuesday, September 18, 2007


From Bubby:
"Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I'm so sorry to hear about your plight insofar as your lost keys (misplaced), your hearing aid thingy and whatever! Perhaps you are getting CRAFT. I just wanted to let you know that I've written to this blog before but I NEVER get 'published.'Here you say nice things about Helen and all but NEVER anything about Lovely, long-legged, loquacious Lois, why is this? "

This is an email I got this day from "Bubby". Actually it was an email from my blog publishers informing me that this was a comment placed on my blog "ANCHOR'S AWEIGH, JON". Why Bubby posted it there is a mystery to me since she mentions my lost keys which were immortalized on yesterday's blog. I don't recall any other comment from this lovely, long-legged, loquacious Lois. When I get these comments, I have a chance to publish them or reject them. I only have rejected one, since it was in a foreign language I couldn't translate; so I don't know what is her problem? I would never knowingly reject any of lovely Bubby's comments because she is indeed lovely, long-legged, luscious, lively and no doubt--by her own admission, mind you--loquacious. We're talking here about our good friend LOIS FRIEDMAN. (Incidentally, Bubby, Helen has never posted a comment on my blog!) Oh--and what the heck is "CRAFT"?

Before I got Bubby's comment, I was going to write about the electrician who came to repair the fluorescent lighting fixture in our kitchen. When he came to the door, he really looked scruffy, with about three days of not shaving, and hair in much disrepair. I knew at once we had a "redneck". While he was on the ladder he asked if I were a marine, and I said "Yup...WWII". Why disappoint him? He then began to rail against "liberals" whom he called "doves" when it came to winning wars. And so he continued the dissertation on how liberals are ruining the country and how guys like me (!) were so great and for his peroration--that the country should be grateful to us WWII vets for actually going out and winning a war. He neglected to mention that FDR was a liberal democrat--and so was HST. I showed him my DFC and he was effusive in his gratitude to me before he left. I'm thinking of becoming a redneck myself. Then I can fix things.

(...and if anyone cares to leave a comment, you have to click on the word "comments" at the end of the blog)

1 comment:

Red Baron said...

See how easy it is? Even I can do it. Remember click on the word, "comments".