Hi friends and family: Some of you may have been wondering why I'm using the name "Red Baron". It seems that some of my teaching colleagues after learning of my 60 combat missions in WWII and of my shooting down 2 1/2 Stukas and 1 1/2 Messerschmitts and of surviving a crash on the runway and in the English Channel, named me the "American" Red Baron. But they were far off the mark.
Manfred von Richthofen was born on May 2, 1892 in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw Poland). He died on April 21, 1918, age 25, in the skies over Vaux sur Somme, France. His people called him der rote Kampfflieger (The Red Battle-Flyer), The French called him le petit rouge, and he is known in the English speaking world as the Red Baron. In a time of wooden and fabric aircraft, when twenty air victories insured a pilot legendary status and the coveted Pour Le Mérite (the famous "Blue Max") , Richthofen had eighty victories, and is regarded to this day as the ace of aces. He used red paint on his aircraft so that friendly fire on the ground would recognize him. He certainly went way beyond my own insignificant aerial warfare, and his 80 "kills" are incredible. So now you know...and I'm proud to carry on this ace's legacy even though he was my Dad's enemy.
Today is kind of a "blah" day. Rho went out to lunch with Mary Gurien my friend since 1957. Mary's husban, Eric, who used to be on my golf foursome died several years ago of cancer. He was a really sweet man and he is being missed. I've been in the house all day doing "work" on the computer and trying to decide what could be of interest to people tuning in here. So, I decided to start off with the Red Baron nickname. Tonite we're having the Nathan's hot dogs that we were supposed to have last nite, but Rho's card game was called off and she opted to go to Cheeburger Cheeburger for .... you guessed it, a hamburger. Today I've also been trying to figure out how best to manage this blog. It's very complicated. I managed to publish the Sib's picture, but it's supposed to go on yesterday's blog, and I can't find how to move it to the right place. Can you?
Finally, we've decided to have the Bergers, the Strumlaufs, and the Herbstmans over for Rosh Hashanah and a turkey dinner with several other blandishments. I can't wait for the Manischevitz wine. L'Shanah Tova.
I loved your reference to PK's tats...She's a Pisces too!
First, why weren't those lovely Friedman's invited to dinner?
Second, when we first went into the buffet at the casino to just look around, I met up with a lovely, large sized ROACH which really got my dander up. I then told the manager who couldn't care less. I wish I knew who to write to in reference to this and if you have any suggestions I would appreciate it. Nice day, nice friends and great roaches.
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