Friday, August 10, 2007

I'm "Googleized"!

Wow...A neighbor emailed me this morning and said I should type "Memoirs of a Tail Gunner" on GOOGLE. So, I did and to my surprise, amazement, and delight, there were several links to my book published at! If there is anyone out there foolish enough to buy my book, I suggest they click on "Norman's Store" and then on the book selling for $60.33. That's the 6x9 372 page version. That comes out to $.16 a page. I wouldn't buy it myself. But it sure is pretty. The other version is a 8x11 hardcopy...good for the cocktail table but not very good to bring to the doctor's waiting room. I have been re-reading the book myself, and I can't believe I wrote it. It's weird, but it reads like someone who is not me wrote it. It's not half bad and the poetry at the end is really my educated opinion. And if it gets boring, you could always just look at the pictures.

So much for the book. Now, I've embarked on a new blog. I don't even know what a blog is. I'll have to look it up in Webster when a new edition comes out. Every day new words are added to the language. It's getting much harder to do the Times Sunday crossword puzzle. Well, it's another very hot day here in South Florida, so Rhoda and I are going to a cool movie...the Bourne something or other. Then after to some elegant dining at Nathan's for hot dogs. Following that, to a neighbor' s place for a hot Canasta game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try the Sunday Times Acrostic which is published every other week. Most people find it to be more difficult than the crossword, but for The Red Baron it should be just another challenge to be overcome.