Wednesday, August 15, 2007

GOOGLE+Memoirs of a Tail Gunner+I"m Feeling Lucky

Got an email from my ex, Thelma, this morning that was very complimentary, thank you. She wrote that she was going to look "locally" to buy my book for her and her sisters, Norma and Mildred. Of course, the book can only be bought on the publisher's web site. One way of getting there is follow the title of this blog. Go to GOOGLE; type in the title of the book; then click on "I'm Feeling Lucky" or "Search". It should take you to the page where you can buy the book by clicking on "Buy" of course. If you are not successful, just leave your email address on a comment to this blog, and I'll get back to you. Just got a telephone call from Rho, saying someone banged into the passenger side of my door. The car is in our parking lot. I haven't seen it yet. But if it's bad, I'll probably cry. I've had this car since 1999 without a dent. Well, it won't be long now before my crew gets back from their Alaska cruise sojourn. Can't wait to get all the news. More later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the damage to your car isn't bad. You have parked in the same spot for so long everyone knows it is your car. what is even worse is they didn't even say anything to you.