Sunday, October 19, 2008

Youth or Age? Think please.

I know I wrote that I wasn't going to do any more "daily" blogs--but I reserve the right as a blogger to do one now and then... when and as the spirit moves me. This morning I read that Colin Powell, whom I had the honor to meet when Robin was made a Lt. Colonel, has endorsed Barack Obama as President of the United States. He says, "I think we need a transformational figure. I think we need a president who is a generational change, and that's why I'm supporting Barack Obama, not out of any lack of respect or admiration for John McCain." John McCain at the age of 73 is not a "transformational figure" nor does he represent a "generational" change. In fact, he hardly represents any change at all. Powell's statement reminded me of a passage in the essay, "Of Youth and Age" written by Sir Francis Bacon in the 16th Century. Bacon writes, "Young men are fitter to invent than to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, and fitter for new projects than for settled business; for the experience of age in things that fall within the compass of it, directeth them; but in new things abuseth them....Young men, in the conduct and management of actions, embrace more than they can hold, stir more than they can quiet; fly to theend without consideration of the means and degrees; pursue absurdly some few principles which they have chanced upon; care not how they innovate. Men of age object too much, consult too long, adventure too little, repent too soon, and seldom drive business home to the full period, but content themselves with a mediocrity of success." I'm not saying that McCain would not make a good President, only that Obama, in this time in our history, would make a better one. Obama is leading now in most all the polls, nationally and statewide, so that if he loses this election, the reason will have to do with the "Bradley" effect...voters will say one thing to pollsters and when they get into the booth will do the opposite. Obama leads now by a few points, but if he were white, it is my belief that he would have a double digit lead. This election ought not to be about race or even issues. Though both men may disagree on many paths to fix our problems, two roads often lead to the same place. This Presidential race should focus primarily, as Gen. Powell avers, on a "generational" change. It is the young man who ought to be elected. The youthful Obama is the one who will have the motives, the drive, the spirit, and the energy to do the enervating jobs that have to be done in this nation. If you don't believe me...or Bacon...or Powell, then just try to be 73.


Anonymous said...

Although youth and speed are behind me, and age and wisdom ahead for me, I think I agree.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Even more important than Powell's decision is the Red Baron's decision. Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Joel is correct. This blog performs a vital function.

Baron is too modest, as usual. He knew Bacon well, and was the inspiration for the latter's remarks.