Saturday, September 6, 2008


It's a frustrating time now; Rhoda is expecting to go to New York on Thursday and Robin is expected to visit here on Friday--so is Ike. All we can do now is sit and wait around to see what happens. If Ike veers off and goes somewhere else, we'll be OK. I'm supposed to start my water therapy on Monday and then on Friday when Robin comes in. I'll pick her up at the Boca Raton Airport and then we'll decide on a place for dinner. I don't know if she's coming in from Montana or Tallahassee. I suspect I'll find out.
As for IKE, I don't fondly remember Hurricane Wilma that came here a couple/few years ago. It's something I don't want to experience again. We were nine days without power. Luckily, the weather was cool so we didn't really miss the air conditioner very much. Of course, there was no food in the fridge and only canned stuff in the pantry. We had a big cooler, but finding ice was like looking for gold. The front side of the cane was bad enough, but the back side was a killer. There were about 60 cars in one of the parking lots that had every window broken from pebbles blown off the roofs of the condos. We also lost about 200 trees, some of which still haven't been replaced. If we can get out in time, next time a hurricane is imminent here, Rho and I will be heading North. I realize this blog is short and boring, but right now, I have very little else to say.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Last week my primary internist gave me a prescription which was for "water rehab" that he insisted I try out. So, today we went to the Bethesda Hospital rehab center at a YMCA in Boynton Beach that has a swimming pool they use for water therapy. Which means, I suppose that they teach you to walk on water. This should make Phil B. and JR happy that their dreams have come true. But today was simply for an evaluation of how serious my symptoms are, etc. and I start this therapy on September 8 and then every Monday & Friday. The pool is about 1000 ft. from the front door, and since I can only walk about 6 inches, there will be a wheelchair provided but no one to push it when I get in. So, I'll have to motor it to the pool on arm power of which there is not much left. If I can only use one arm to propel the chair, it means I will take a long time to get to the pool because with one arm, the chair will be propelled into a circle. This should get very interesting.
Continuing the fruitless debate about the right to express an opinion, but no right to respect for it if people disagree with it, (in my opinion, with which you don't have to agree; therefore you don't have to respect). Notice how in the last convoluted parenthetical phrase, I discretely avoided ending my sentence with a preposition. But finallly (I hope), Webster's definition of "respect" is as follows: "a: esteem b: the quality or state of being esteemed; high or special regard." Now, then, esteeming someone's opinion if you don't agree with it, having "high or special regard" for it seems silly--it's an oxymoron. Now if you really want to be "disrespectful" say "I don't agree with your opinion; it sucks to high heaven; and with that opinion, you should be arrested. Please don't bother me any more; I have to find pool shoes and a bathing suit."

Monday, September 1, 2008

LABOR DAY 1952 to LABOR DAY 2008

1952 was a year not much different from this. There was an important election and since Harry Truman chose not to run, the Democratic Party chose an intellectual whose name was Adlai Stevenson. His adversary in the Republican Party was the popular war hero, General Dwight Eisenhower who won the election in a landslide. I imagine the country wasn't quite ready for an intellectual. We're still not. John McCain graduated from the Naval Academy 894 out of a class of 899. Eisenhower's selection for Vice President was Richard Nixon, and we know his history. Coincidentally we were in a war in Korea for two years in 1952 and Americans were tired of having their sons killed in a war they didn't understand. Also, Joseph McCarthy was busy hunting communists and spies in the entertainment industry and everywhere else while the country was in the "cold war" with Russia.
I was due to start teaching right after Labor Day in 1952 so the wife and I got two babes into the car and drove from the Bronx to South Orange, New Jersey. We did find an apartment we could afford there. It was in an attic that was at the top of a very long flight of about 75 crooked and rickety stairs. When we finally arrived up there without the benefit of oxygen or a Sherpa, we found that the floor in the living room was somewhat tilted toward the kitchen, and that if you weren't careful, you could slip and slide all across the room into the kitchen stove. It would help if you wore golf shoes with spikes. But this was the best place we could find on our limited budget. And so it was on Labor Day, 1952 that we left the Bronx forever. The bad news on that day was that there was a torrential rainstorm and driving was quite hazardous. But we arrived safely and we each carried a kid perilously up the stairs. And while I was climbing this long flight with Robin, age 2, in my arms, I kept thinking of the myth of Sisyphus, a character in Greek mythology who, because of his wicked deeds, was sentenced in Hades perpetually to roll a large boulder up a mountain peak, only to have it eternally roll back down into a valley. And that's how long and terrifying this climb into our apartment seemed to be; and how my life seemed to be up until that moment. I vowed never to let Robin roll back down those stairs.
But now on Labor Day, 2008 Robin is no longer a babe, and she could climb those stairs better than I can at the moment because my age has made me immobile. But, at least my brain is still mobile and I need to use it now to clarify a position or an issue that I brought up in a prior blog. It is now an election year as important...or more...than that in 1952. A military man, an American hero is, again, a candidate for one party, and a bright, articulate African American is the candidate for the other party. It is a year when citizens must debate the merits of each candidate and listen to, watch, and read all they can about each of them in order to cast a responsible vote--a vote that will put the right man in office--a man who will lead this country in a new and better direction than the man who is currently in office. I said previously that I believe every person has a Constitutional right to express an opinion--not only on the election, but on any subject. But, (and please try to understand this) I don't believe a person has any Constitutional right or any other kind of right to have his opinion respected. Get it? If you don't like someone's opinion you can disrespect it. A person might say, "At least respect my opinion." I say, "Nah!" State your opinion, but don't expect me to like it if I don't like it. Why be dishonest with yourself -- or your friend.
Anyway, Happy Labor Day!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Key West

We have returned from our mini-vacation to Key West and we really had a very nice relaxing few days. We started out on Tuesday and stopped at the ISLE casino for a couple of hours where I won $275 on the slot machines. I'm an expert slot machiner. We did lunch in the deli on the premises. I had a triple decker sandwich with pastrami, corned beef, turkey, cole slaw, & Russian dressing. And for dessert there was this lovely slice of chocolate checkerboard cake. We left there about 3pm and drove to Key Largo. We stayed one night at the Marriott Resort Hotel which was right on the Gulf of Mexico. We had dinner at the restaurant there and then went on our way to Key West. We stayed at the Crown Plaza La Concha Hotel right on Duval Street...the street in Key West with all of the "action". Our first night there we went to a sea food restaurant where they were serving all-you-can-eat King Crab legs. I must have devoured two pound of them. Where were you Bobby? In the evening, Rhoda and a bell hop set up my scooter and we went up and down the street looking into the quaint shops. Robin we discovered a store selling the soft fabric great t-shirts you had sent to us. I bought one that said "Renaissance Man" and a blue one that said "Life is Good." Rhoda bought one that said "Positive Altitude" and another that also said "Life is Good." The name of the store is Jake's Key. For the cost of a t-shirt, we could have had a good lobster dinner.

On Thursday we bought tickets to a trolley tour of the city. The trolley made about 12 different stops along the way and you could get off and go to a museum or whatever and get back on another trolley which came every 15 minutes. Rho got off in Mallory Square, sat me down in a cool mall while she went to the Truman House nearby. I ordered an orange frosty and waited at the same bench for her to return in about an hour's time. I didn't go with her because now I simply can't walk more that a few yards. If we could have gotten the scooter on the trolley, it would have been a different story. That night we went to an Italian restaurant a short distance from the hotel and had an elegant dinner which was hard to believe. Then later that night we heard Obama make his acceptance speech which was astounding. Even more astounding was McCain's choice of a Vice President whose claim to fame is that she was once a mayor of a small town. Talk about a "lack of experience"! NowJohn is a nice man but is over 70 and if he should die in his sleep imagine who would be Commander-in-Chief. Ohmygod!

Phil B. and Robin left comments on my blog of August 23rd, and Robin disagrees with my position on whether you need to respect the opinion of someone debating candidates or the issues with you. How can you respect his/her opinion if you disagree with it or even detest it? Surely, as I've said, you can respect the right of someone to have and to express an opinion, but that's not the same thing. The fact of the matter is that Robin never expresses an opinion anyway so there is nothing to discuss or respect. The email article from Defenders of the Wildlife Action Fund was not vicious and somewhat innocuous...written by someone who does not like Palin's position on wildlife issues and says so. What's wrong with that? In her comment, Robin said she was offended by that e-mail. But, of course, never said why.