Friday, February 29, 2008

"$$$" (How's that for a short title, Mike?"

Perhaps someone out there is brilliant enough to tell me what all this "rebate" stuff is about? Am I going to get more money from this debacled government? How much? Will it cover the cost of Rhoda's new car or maybe even a tank of gas? I have already received the refund due me from my 2007 tax return. It didn't even cost me 41 cents since it was filed electronically. I got it a week after it was sent in...if you can believe that...and you can. But I have no clue as to what the rebate talk is all about. If Bush is giving me the money, I'm going to send it back.

Yesterday, we went to our bank's drive-in window and handed the teller two checks to be deposited amounting to $300. Rhoda also gave her 4 $100 bills and asked her to break them down into smaller currency. However, she didn't count the bills till later that evening and found that she only had $300. We are now waiting for a call from the bank to see if they were able to track that $100 down. Rho feels very "aggravated" by that since she always counts her money before leaving the bank. But I told her not to worry about it; if the bank fails to pony up the money, she should make herself out a $100 check from the $1200 we were going to pay the orthopedist who sent us a bill for services in 2006 but whose secretery told us to "forget about it." See yesterday's blog for the full story of that one.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

"I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people." (Macbeth)

OK. It's the day after; I'm on the road to four score and cinco. I was blessed with getting a slew of cards from friends and relations; and phone calls and e-cards. I was amazed at getting e-cards from a few former students from at least 30 years ago and I would like to share some with you:
Happy 84th, Doc, I enjoy your blog for no other reason than plain expression is so rare.
Bob Fox

I just got home from work --- all day thinking of you, but could not call.
Thought how lucky I am that I got to meet you a long time ago - and how many beautiful things (and people) you brought into my life!
I wish you a very good 84th year, with all my heart!
Happy Birthday!
Lots of love and hugs and kisses,
Magda Machado

You didn't think I'd forget your birthday, did you?
Birthdays, should be all about fond memories. Thinking of you on any day always brings me a flood of them, whether it's your birthday or just another day. So, Happy Birthday and Love for all your other days.
Betsy Hunter
God! I love these "kids"....But now I have to get my's 12 back soon...don't go away...+
OK. I'm back and while I was away having my nova and cream cheese on half a bagel, Jon (Rho's son) wrote a lovely and obviously sincere comment which I certainly appreciate. (Check it out by clicking on "Comments" at the very end of the blog.). Jon is one great "kid"; well, actually he's 40+. He spent 10 years in the Navy and since his discharge he's been living and working in Norfolk.
Rhoda has just returned from all her errands; her errands are ubiquitous and infinite, and after she finishes her lunch we are going to visit some scooters that I am being forced to buy if I want to get more than 50 yards from the building. Stick around for a report on that....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"By medicine, life may be prolonged..." (Cymbeline)

Well, now there is only an hour left before i become four score four and a day. My birthday was mostly uneventful, except for one extra-ordinary item; namely involving a bill I received from Dr. Rennella who used a new procedure for curing my back pain. I started with him in 2006 and went to him for treatments several times that year. Never got a bill until yesterday; $1200+! Rhoda, who keeps very strict medical records said that we got paid from Medicare and our Health Insurance and that we owed him that money. I called his office today to see if they would accept a credit card for payment instead of a check. When a girl answered I said I was the Red Baron (sic) and that I just got a bill for services rendered two years ago. She said, "OH MY! LET ME CHECK INTO THAT!" After a minute or so she came back and said "Red Baron, sir (sic), it's my mistake. Just forget about the bill." OK. So I got a $1200+ present for my birthday. I also got a fistful of snail mail birthday cards and a few e-cards...and several telephone messages. I even got cards from three grandkids...the fourth grandkid is in Navy boot camp, so she probably has no inkling about her grandfather's 84th. Well the dissed medical bill present was the only one I got. After opening the birthday cards in the mail and looking for gift cards to expensive department stores, or a free cruise, alas none was forthcoming...not even scratch-offs. I guess we're in a recession.
This evening we went to dinner with Mike and Helen H. at Longhorn's, a restaurant we enjoy. I had a Porterhouse steak with fries. While there, Mike and Rhoda admonished me for writing titles to my blog that were too long because they blocked out the first comment that anyone wrote. So now I have to make sure that my titles are only one or two lines. No one would want their comment blocked; that's for sure. It's their 30 seconds of fame. I also received an e-mail from Ray Maccagli, a good friend of mine who was the school psychologist--and yes he was crazy. He read my book and said he loved it! That was birthday present enough for me.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"When we are born, we cry that we have come to this great stage of fools." (King Lear)

Four score and four! That's my age tomorrow. So while the cleaning ladies were here today and Rhoda was off on her business, I took myself to see the movie, "No Country for Old Men" which I thought was appropriate for the occasion which will occur on the morrow. Now I believe that this country is really not a country for old anything. The elderly are rarely treated with respect. If you're an old dog or horse, they put you down; if you're a handicapped elderly veteran of foreign wars they stick you in a home where they take your money and your soul. So four score and four is kind of scary. Who expects to live that long after smoking Camels, Lucky Strike, Chesterfields, and Marlboros every day for 50 years? Well, I attribute my longevity to the fact that I used to run every day at least five to ten miles for several years. After you've run two 26 mile marathons, survived 60 combat missions and you've driven in South Florida for 25 years without getting hit, you kinda get the feeling that you are invincible. So, what the hell; I'll shoot for five score! Now I have a new goal. I've been looking for one. I'll go ask RH+ to double my meds tonite.
I just got myself an Obama sticker and a button. I still have Wendel Wilke's (sp?) button. A lot good it did. My son sent me an email today with a link to an article in an online magazine that went on a lengthy Obama bashing, based on his belonging to a church whose pastor was a buddy of Farrakan(sp?); and that Barack has surrounded himself with anti-Israel advisors. I responded to JR that the sins of the pastor ought not to be visited upon a congregant. Besides, that magazine is an ultra conservative right wing journal whose articles are pushed frequently by Rush Limbough and others of his ilk. I like Obama; he is Robert Kennedyish...(my opinion). I also like Hillary, but I believe Obama has the best chance of winning the presidency. Anything to get rid of that CIC who has caused so much misery to American and Iraqi families...and for no good opinion.

Monday, February 25, 2008

"Like a dull actor now, I have forgot my part..." (Coriolanus)

I was lying on my bed about 9pm minding my own business and working on a crossword puzzle while Rhoda was playing games on the computer when she suddenly appeared in the doorway and asked a silly question: "Is there any reason why the water in the kitchen sink is running?" Well, of course there was a reason. It stands to reason that there was a reason; the reason being that I had recently washed a fork that I had used on a piece of cake. Now I thought that washing the fork was a thoughtful thing to do; the unthoughtful thing to not do was to not turn the faucet off. I really can't be expected to remember everything. But this was not the first time that I forgot to turn something off. The other day I made an Eggo for my breakfast in the toaster oven. When I had finished off that cardboard waffle and went to check my email, was her wont...appeared in the den doorway and asked a silly question: "Is there any reason why you left the toaster on at 350 degrees? Do you want to start a fire?"
Well, of course I wanted to start a fire; why else would I leave the toaster oven on? I always wanted to try kleptomaniacal things. Well, maybe that's not the right terminology for lighting fires. But, so I left the oven on, I can't be expected to remember everything every single day.
But remembering to turn things off (or on) is not the only thing that I'm being admonished for...or rather, for which I've been admonished. A couple of times, while driving at night, and having to make a left turn, I accidentally turned into the lane of oncoming traffic instead of the lane I needed to turn into on the other side of the center strip. So Rhoda asked a silly question: "Why are you turning into this lane? It's the wrong lane! Do you want to cause an accident?" Well, of course I wanted to cause an accident. Why else would I turn into the wrong lane for the second time in two nights? How else is a person going to find out if the premiums he is paying the insurance company are going to lead to some road service? How else is he to know whether or not the police are doing their job? If only my wife would understand these things a little better, growing older would be a snap. Hey, I'm not forgetful or blind driving at night; I'm just a daredevil at heart. If Rhoda would only try to understand that I was a combat air crewman and I feed on danger, and that there is always a reason to explain my actions...or reactions.
Yesterday we went to the Isle Casino and I won $160 on the slot machines. We got there about 3:30 and left at 8. They were giving away $500 every 15 minutes as long as your players card was lodged in a machine so they could call out your name. Our name was not called. Perhaps because we went to the buffet at 5:30 for our dinner. I had vowed to bring home a piece of the chocolate checkerboard cake that is outrageously delicious before we left for home, but while in the car, Rhoda asked a silly question: "Is there a reason why you forgot to order the checkerboard cake?"