Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm going blogless

I know that I haven't written a blog for a while. I do need to take a hiatus from blog writing to try something else I've wanted to do...that is a book of fiction. I do have a new book published--all the blogs from Jan 1, 2008 to April 29, 2008. You can find out about it by clicking on My Lulu Store to the right of this blog. It's called "Pater Noster in Condoland, Vol II". It's selling for $19.99. I say "It's selling", but actually it hasn't sold a copy yet...only the one I bought. And you can also check back here once in a while, because I'm sure I'll be writing some as time goes by. Like today.

This morning, Bonny woke me to tell me some great news; that is, that Sean has been accepted to the California School of the Arts. Sean has had a couple of shows that displayed his paintings, and he has been very anxious to go back to school to learn more about his craft. And this is a very prestigious institution. Also, Katrina, Bobby's daughter, who is an E2 Airman in the Navy, has been accepted to an assignment in Hawaii for four years beginning in August. At the moment she's attached to Whidbey Island off Seattle. I was also stationed there after VE Day (May 8, 1945) which happened to be yesterday, if anyone cares.
I do. Four years in Hawaii is not bad duty. Katrina will be working on jet planes.

Today, at the VA, I discussed my family with one of my two shrinks. I told him that every one of my four kids have been leading successful lives; and not only that, but they enjoy and love each other which is a blessing for parents. Lots of families have kids who do not get along with their siblings. But in addition to my children, their children (who fortunately happen to be my grandchildren, are also leading successful lives. Sean is a successful artist who has had two shows and who now is going to a great school of art. Katrina, who graduated from Motorcycle Mechanics Institute in Phoenix is now an E2 Airman in the Navy. Hannah is a bright and talented photographer who has shown her photos in London, and her brother, Adam, is a computer graphics engineer. What more can I say? Oh, yes, perhaps all this comes down to genes. My Dad also was a gifted painter; he made, as I recall watching him, some beautiful paintings which are now lost forever. When he lost his right arm, he still managed to paint with his left. I also did some painting for a couple of years, though I wasn't very good at it. I introduced Bobby to photography and for awile he was a professional. Now Hannah has the photo gene. What more can I say?