Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday Morning Surprise

Wow! I got up this morning to check on my ING IRA and found that I made about $600 yesterday because the stupid DOW went up over 100 points! And then I went to my blog, and lo and behold I had not one, not two, but three comments!! One from a former student, one from my dear friend, Coach, and one from my dear cuz, Gary who vowed to keep reading MEMOIRS because he owed it to me! Well, you out there, keep the comments coming. I like to read as well as write. Also, I'm trying to throw in a picture on my blog, and when I figure out how to do it, you'll see it..... Have a great day. "Doc", Cuz, nrr, Red Baron.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As J.P. Moron said, "The market will fluctuate." Today, it went in the wrong direction.

J. P. Moron also said, "The Doc goes on forever." From his lips to God's ears.